Stealth LED Array light .

Looks like you will need to start all over! hehe

Have they figured out who is in the tomb they are digging up? Do you think it is Alexander the Great?

The Chocolate color is making me hungry!

What do you use to cut the metal?

You can deliver the light in this:


The whitewall tires are inspiring me to suggest a white circle around the Human Machine Interface dial!

Looks like you will need to start all over! hehe

Have they figured out who is in the tomb they are digging up? Do you think it is Alexander the Great?

The Chocolate color is making me hungry!

What do you use to cut the metal?

You can deliver the light in this:


The whitewall tires are inspiring me to suggest a white circle around the Human Machine Interface dial!


From what I know so far ,all they have discovered is a three room hallway ..

Unusually "heavily' decorated to be a Macedonian ( Macedonians where an ancient -pretty 'wild' -tribe ,speaking the greek language .
Probably ,one of the four main Greek tribes ,the Dorians ....

(the rest are the Ionians,the Aeolians and the Achaeans ..
The Dorians where the most war loving tribe .
Slaughters,if we want to be honest .
Spartans were trained to be killing machines from the age of seven .
When they where almost new born they were left ,during their first winter of their life ,
three days alone and with no food or water ,outside at snow ..
Those who survived ,passed to the next level ...

Macedonians were considered as 'savage' by the Athenians (Attics ) ...
Today they are the most 'relaxed ' and 'cool' people ...

Many other slavic-alien to hellenic - tribes feel jealous about the original (ancient and modern ) Macedonians ....


When they will dig up the rest of the momument 's site (which BTW is HUGE ,regarding it's perimeter )
and discover the hamam rooms ,the underground pool ,the jakouzi ,the bar ,the theater ,the conference room ,the garage ,the gym and more ,then they will realise that is not a tomb /grave ..

But a luxury -underground - highly protected villa ..

And yes ..I trust that this villa belonged to someone from the Macedonian royal family ....
But can't be Alex's ....

Alex was busy cutting off heads ,burning cities ,f@(king ,drinking ,conquering at general ...
What every conqurer has done more or less ....

White ?
Not this time ...
Too much ....
Also to the car ...
Better all black plain tires ..
White rubber is of inferior quality ...

P.S. :
The Ioanians were fine artists,sailors and merchants ..
The Aeolians were stoners and drunks ,good horsemen and musicians ..
The Achaeans were just plain assholes ,most of times ...
But also good philosophers and scientists ...

I cut the metal with saw ,files ,dremmel,and 'drill-rip-lines '....
I need a laser cutter ASAP .
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You could always paint the screws/bolts/nuts on the visible, outside chocolate frame the contrasting color, a light brown/pink/beige.

The bare metal doesn't sway me (minus the safe nob controlling the driver) (:

-The case will be grounded ..All PSUs are grounded also .

-All exposed circuits ( the three open frame PSUs ) will be sprayed with Teslanol T7
( Special spray lacquer .A film of 25 micrometer(millionths of meter ) thickness ,insulates up to 22 K Volts (22000 Volts ) .

-Bolts are stainless steel .Can't be painted.
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LOL.. barn doors might be good for shaping the light space if you need to. just another moving piece to fail though.

I only laugh because we pretty much use barn doors for theatre and movie lights only. I have never seen them for any other practical use. Might be kinda cool on a grow light.
LOL.. barn doors might be good for shaping the light space if you need to. just another moving piece to fail though.

I only laugh because we pretty much use barn doors for theatre and movie lights only. I have never seen them for any other practical use. Might be kinda cool on a grow light.

..But also cheap (~$10 ) and rapidly replaceable !

Yes ..Shaping the light ,for a confined area ...
Where the plants are ...

With some light moding to the heatsink ..
He-he-he ...
Why can't stainless steel be painted?

Answer: "
Paint can bond to all types of finishes. Stainless steel, however, presents a cohesion problem because the finish surface is almost completely smooth. Painting on stainless steel requires preparation to ensure that the metal is capable of holding a layer of paint in place."

Only thing else I could think of would be either not to use paintless stainless steel bolts or find some sort of cap to fit over the ugly bolts.

Let me tell you an 'inside-secret ' of my designs ...

Inox Hex bolts , Alum Rivets and Inox Allen bolts are my ' design signature' ...

I much dislike normal plain line screws ,Pozidriv,Phillips ,"Stars" ,'Tri-stars' and all the rest ...
I only use them when theres no other option ...

Those four bolts are part of the design ,actually..
And the maker loves 'em .....
