Stealth Hydro grow


Active Member
just showing you guys my starting process. right now im not too sure how i want to configure my closet so that the plants are hidden but i can still eailsy get to them. all comments are welcome. oh and i plan on doing some type or dwc or floor or whatever it is :joint:

i plan on using the right side of the closet, the part with the carpet on the floor

so the layout is like this
wall-> |__|door|__|__|
------------ dresser^ ^plants

so i have 2 dressers and 2 clothing lines to hand jackets on. i just need a really good layout. also not shown in the pics are the doors back on the closet, which i will configure a hidden lock so my parents cannot get into it.



Active Member
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thanks for the info and i got a few ?'s for you

first off im going to build my own stealth bubbleponics system

right now i just need basic outline answers. the spot im going to be useing is about 2 ft wide 3 ft deep and goes from 6ft tall to the floor \ like that.

what im looking to know is, how much room do roots needs to grow down 1ft? 2ft? ect ect because of the rooms design im looking to maximize eveything and might have a separate resivoir that will fill the base were the roots are when it goes below X level.

also what are the cycles of the plants in order. clone,veg,flower?? ( i know the basics of everything but its crunch time so i need 100% right info)

and about the lights (using cfls). im going from seed and i got my technique down the germinate them, i need to know the light schudule for each cycle of the plant. 24/7 12/12/7 ect ect

well im off to dinner for now and hopefully when i get back i will have installed the new 2010 AutoCad and will make design plans to help me and everyone futher. THANKS!! and if you dont understand this sorry was typing fast gtg peave!!:peace:


Elite Rolling Society
thanks for the info and i got a few ?'s for you

first off im going to build my own stealth bubbleponics system

right now i just need basic outline answers. the spot im going to be useing is about 2 ft wide 3 ft deep and goes from 6ft tall to the floor \ like that.

what im looking to know is, how much room do roots needs to grow down 1ft? 2ft?

The smaller the tank, the less work. I like the 8 gallon totes with 6 gallons of water. Roots need very little room, they can be cramped and tangled and still flourish.

ect ect because of the rooms design im looking to maximize eveything and might have a separate resivoir that will fill the base were the roots are when it goes below X level.

also what are the cycles of the plants in order. clone,veg,flower?? ( i know the basics of everything but its crunch time so i need 100% right info)

There are two CYCLES, VEG (also called GROW) and BLOOM, (Also called FLOWER) In Hydro, you VEG it until it is mature or as big as you want it, then you start 12/12 for an average of 8 to 9 weeks, for Indica strains. Sativa is way way much longer time..

and about the lights (using cfls). im going from seed and i got my technique down the germinate them, i need to know the light schudule for each cycle of the plant. 24/7 12/12/7 ect ect

VEG 24/7, (lights on 24 hrs a day) and then start Lights 12/12 to start BLOOM.

well im off to dinner for now and hopefully when i get back i will have installed the new 2010 AutoCad and will make design plans to help me and everyone futher. THANKS!! and if you dont understand this sorry was typing fast gtg peave!!:peace:
There ya go!


Active Member
thanks Roseman! ^^

just a little update here, got to cleaning and moving things around heres some pics.

my plan is 5 plants growing sea of green. so as the 5 are in the final stages there will be 5 replaces waiting to go in :)
nothing is set in stone yet and things might change, but only time will tell haha

one little problem but i think i can get past it, my dad sees that there is a 2ft space; but since he'll be away in Montauk for the rest of the week i need some ideas to make it look like im using the space for something else.

also i plan on making a frame out of 2x2's and then using plywood or something as the siding



Well-Known Member
5 plants sounds like a lot for such a small space. You don't want them too crowded.

Also this setup will stinkkk when your plants mature. Make sure you have a nice intake down low bringing cool air in and a good exhaust up above blowing through a filter. Proper ventalation will keep your temps in check and if you have a filter your room won't reek. There are plenty of relatively easy solutions to reduce smell.

I have done some similar grows so I'b be happy to give ideas if you have questions about ventilation, lighting, smell, nutes, or w/e else. Good luck.


Active Member
^^ thanks for the insight. and the space just looks smaller than it is, to me atleast. i got the drawing with the dimensions on it posted above so. also about the 5 plants i think its going to be perfect. :-: just like that, the 5 mature plants, a little divider with the 5 clones and room for a mother or 2.

i plan on getting exhuast fans and a carbon scubber or w.e it is. im going to make this all by my self so as the builds begins everything will be thought about a few times then done right the first. IM HOPEING!!


Well-Known Member
i plan on getting exhuast fans and a carbon scubber or w.e it is. im going to make this all by my self so as the builds begins everything will be thought about a few times then done right the first. IM HOPEING!!
Good to hear you're thinking about it and making sure it gets done right. I'v seen some grows that didn't reach potential because the room wasn't well set up.

Take a look on here for a carbon filter thread. I saw a really nice DIY that someone posted. Made a nifty little carbon filter with a pencil holder and some other materials.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
You live with your parents? And you want to grow weed in your closet? I always thought that growing in somebody else's house without their permission is a pretty shitty thing to do to them, since if you get busted, it's their house and so their responsibility.
Please have a really good think about what could happen in a worst case scenario here, and whether you could deal with that before committing to this.