Stealth Grower HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am planning to do a PC stealth grow box i was looking around my house and i have 2 computers that still have the cords and everything in them already i am not sure if they are big enough to work with but the sizes of the 2 are,( starting with the smaller dell one) 15 inches tall, 13 inches long and 6 and ⅝ inches wide. And the second of the two and also the larger one is 16 ⅝ inches tall and 18 ½ inches long and 7 ⅛ inches wide. Are these cases big enough after i gut them out and add everything in or should i invest in a bigger case?



maybe alright for smaller strains or you could do lst if you dont know what the strain is just incase tis too big?


Active Member
You could always have one for training/veg and the other for flowering. Learn some low stress training techniques like "Crop Circling".
True I haven't posted anything on this hoping more people would help me out, I still am thinking about getting a new case or maybe buying a cabinet any idea's?


Well-Known Member
Just buy a cabinet. Don't. Take a chance of the plant. Out. Growing the case, if u got the money, get it. If not, make due with what u have!!
Well I don't know if it would be good for me I really wanted to do the pc grow box and find a strain that would work, and for me and my space really and I wanted to get started soon and I'm leaning towards the pc growbox anyone have any idea how to make one?? Help...


Active Member
From my personal experience with pc grow box'es those dimensions are a tad bit small even when using lst, you should allow yourself more height for the plant to grow otherwise she will quickly outgrow your box.


Well-Known Member
You underestimate the Vigor of the Marijuana Plant. <3 You will run into these issues if not all ::

Not enough Lighting causing stretchy plants w/ little growth.
Too much lighting to the point you need to keep the side off to vent the heat
Too much lighting that it takes up most of the space the plant would need to occupy
Trial & Error to get the correct plant size, you won't nail it on the 1st try.. you'll have to go through having a plant being too big.. or too small before you get it right.
If it ever made it 50% into bloom you would *hopefully* have smell issues, & that little box would only seem to radiate it.. Like a nice marijuana oven.. mMmmm
&& I believe if you were to ever get a mite infestation in their it would get ikky.


Active Member
I'm no expert and nor am i in any authoritah to give advice.
I'm doing a pc grow now too. I''ve documented myself quite a bit before i started and i can tell you from personal experience what to do/expect.
>:leaf:first use the bigger pc case for flowering( havent flowered yet, but i''ve heard you need space, the more the merrier)
>:leaf:second: for ventilation install pc case fans (you hook the up to a 12v DC power source )
>:leaf:third: dont try to make or use a carbon scrubber as you will fail, pc fans dont have the power to suck ENOUGH air through enough carbon( so it can work properly). just buy and air Ionizer
>:leaf:forth: light will leak out of your box unless you are prepared to really work on it (I.E. use like 3 rolls of ducktape and aluminium foil )
>:leaf:fifth: to put the lights in, just solder some wire to CFLs parallel attach them ( . if you put the in series they wont work, trust me or read the damn article, beyotch.
to attach the lights just drill holes in the roof and tie the with some metal wire ( worry not for it works fine )
>:leaf:the top part of the pc will get warm. MAYBE even hot if you dont vent it properly. i have 2 80mm fans in front( where the cd/dvd was ) and it sucks enough air to keep my box at 29 celsius ( 26 celsius in the room ) .
>:leaf:sixth: dont expect it to be quiet. it doesnt make huge noise but people can hear the fans working ( just hide it in the attic or basement, somewhere people dont enter or where there usually is some ambient sound)
>:leaf:eight: you know how they say move the light to be 3-4 inches above the plant ? move THE PLANT to the light not vice-versa . it''s easier, just put a stack of books underneath until the little plant-plant grows enough
>:leaf:ninth: ScrOG or SoG is the way to go . ( that is Screen of Green and Sea of Green , google if you dont know what it is ) a normal growing plant won''t have enough space to properly grow, i'm going for scrog as i like challenges
>:leaf:tenth: get an ionizer and a power socket with a timer, they will really help you .
these are my only 10 tips i can think of right now. Don''t bash on me people i''m a noob too:-(

You underestimate the Vigor of the marijuana Plant. <3 You will run into these issues if not all ::

Not enough Lighting causing stretchy plants w/ little growth.
Too much lighting to the point you need to keep the side off to vent the heat
Too much lighting that it takes up most of the space the plant would need to occupy
Trial & Error to get the correct plant size, you won't nail it on the 1st try.. you'll have to go through having a plant being too big.. or too small before you get it right.
If it ever made it 50% into bloom you would *hopefully* have smell issues, & that little box would only seem to radiate it.. Like a nice marijuana oven.. mMmmm
&& I believe if you were to ever get a mite infestation in their it would get ikky.
i dont know about smell yet, but my 2 fans keep 4x20w CFL+15 w CFL at 29 degrees celsius.(had 2 more installed today w00t)
i would advise reading reading reading and reading some more before you start, my first time was a fiasco. My plant stretched( noob only used the 15w CFL) till it fell to the ground, after which i read that you can replant to correct this( DONT DO IT IF YOU''RE NOT SURE ABOUT YOUR DEXTERITY) and ripped half of my root system=> dead plant.
go for 24h vegging for 2 weeks at atleast 100w then screen of green it .
Dang, I will look into it and i still would really want to grow in a PC case but Im starting to think more into a stealth cabinet maybe? And thanks for the 10 tips.. anyone got anymore ideas or anything they can tell me it would be really really helpful :D
try get an old fridge from the side of the road or the tip , or just make a box from masonite , if your trying to hide it from ppl you live with best bet is in the roof , but be carful not to burn the house down
Still, I would like to at least try for the pc grow box i have gutted out all my systems does anyone have a idea for the kind of fans i might need or perhaps the kind of strains that would grow best for my size restrictions. Also i have scraped up a few bucks and I was thinking about using a old cabinet i have but i am worried about the sound/smell that it might give off as because i'm trying for a stealth grow. I have also looked at different ways to grow inside my pc grow box anyone have any idea's? Help. :( i want to get started with in the next week or so.