Stealth Grow -- What to do with it?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
What could you disguise a box as used for growing. Which would be inspectable?

I cant think of anything.

My best idea was a huge speaker box with working speakers, just I couldn't come up with a way of entry to the grow area.


Well-Known Member
I think that is entirely the point. You need to find something around YOUR house, and disguise it. There is a great example in the GrowFAQ's, it's an entertainment center, or something like that.

On the old overgrow site, there was the famous 'Monolith'. It was basically a black box, about three feet high, and 1.5 feet wide and 1.5 feet deep. It would look weird in anyone else's home, but this guy was a photographer, and he used those boxes for photo equipment, and he had like 6 others in the house, so one for growing didn't look suspicious.

If true stealth is what you are looking for, and you are going with a cabinet style grow, look at your own furniture, see if you can hollow something out and grow in it. If not, find something that you can add that wont' look suspicious.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats why im thinking the speakers. Because thats also very practical for me as I love music, as most of us do. The only problem is I cant figure out how to get in it to grow if its still in working order. The door is the problem.

Hmm... They should have a job for grow room designers. Takes alot more skill then interior designers do. Hell, why even hire one... just pay a chick or a homo 20 bucks to tell you what he likes and youll be in some home living magazine


Well-Known Member
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Blue-adepts DIY SuperStealth tubs + pics

Check it out. This is THE BEST rubbermaid design i've ever seen. The most stealthy and the most efficient. I HIGHly recommend this.

That is very sweet as far as rubermaid tubs go. Personally I'm not a big fan of them though. Usually it involves one rubermaid tub put upside down over another one. It glows orange and gets hot as balls, with a big power cord coming out of it. If that's what you are going for, I'm not going to stop you, but you don't get good or high quality yeilds out of it, and it's hardly stealth, so to me it's kinda like why bother.

But again, that rubermaid was very well thought out and it shows. Too bad it only uses CFLs.

Yeah, thats why im thinking the speakers. Because thats also very practical for me as I love music, as most of us do. The only problem is I cant figure out how to get in it to grow if its still in working order. The door is the problem.

Hmm... They should have a job for grow room designers. Takes alot more skill then interior designers do. Hell, why even hire one... just pay a chick or a homo 20 bucks to tell you what he likes and youll be in some home living magazine
Likewise, there was a guy on overgrow that took one of those old JBL gigantic club speakers (I'm not big on speakers, so I couldn't tell you the model or type), hollowed it out, and grew in it. It worked very well if my memory serves me.

The problems that you will have with this, as far as I can tell, are three fold:
1. In order for it to even be worthwhile, you would need to take one of those big speakers (about 3' tall, 2' wide, 1.5' deep, or somewhere around there) and gut it all out. Doing so would be very expensive.
2. You really can't have a working speaker and a grow speaker in one unit. Those speakers are designed to be used in a certain way. If you use the back half of it for a grow, and the front half for a speaker, it's going to sound like shit. Any avid speaker enthusiast would probably wet his pants when he saw your speaker, and when it sounded like crap would want to fix it, or help you to fix it, or never get his mind off getting it to work just right.
3. The only other way is to hollow it out and use it as a grow, but that in and of itself is not really stealth. Having a speaker in your house that isn't actually a speaker ..... then why do you have it?

For those reasons, I just go with the old school c13 style cab. No one really asks about it, and the few that do, I just tell them I keep my guns and porn in there, they leave it alone. If someone really wants to see my porn, I tell them to go fuck themselves and get their own.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Likewise, there was a guy on overgrow that took one of those old JBL gigantic club speakers (I'm not big on speakers, so I couldn't tell you the model or type), hollowed it out, and grew in it. It worked very well if my memory serves me.

The problems that you will have with this, as far as I can tell, are three fold:
1. In order for it to even be worthwhile, you would need to take one of those big speakers (about 3' tall, 2' wide, 1.5' deep, or somewhere around there) and gut it all out. Doing so would be very expensive.
2. You really can't have a working speaker and a grow speaker in one unit. Those speakers are designed to be used in a certain way. If you use the back half of it for a grow, and the front half for a speaker, it's going to sound like shit. Any avid speaker enthusiast would probably wet his pants when he saw your speaker, and when it sounded like crap would want to fix it, or help you to fix it, or never get his mind off getting it to work just right.
3. The only other way is to hollow it out and use it as a grow, but that in and of itself is not really stealth. Having a speaker in your house that isn't actually a speaker ..... then why do you have it?

For those reasons, I just go with the old school c13 style cab. No one really asks about it, and the few that do, I just tell them I keep my guns and porn in there, they leave it alone. If someone really wants to see my porn, I tell them to go fuck themselves and get their own.[/quote]

Yeah that well thought out. But idk, I understand how shitty the speakers would play not to mention mostlikeyl kill the plant if in the way of a ported speaker path. The suctions would be lethal.

Hmm I think im just going to get wooden drawers. And hollow them out, glue em together.

Maybe a metal filing cabinet, the type with the draws. My only problem then is how do i cut the metal?

Would I need a plasma cutter? Because last one I saw needed one, plus it ran into heat issues.


Well-Known Member
You could do it with the proper jig saw, but a plasma cutter would be much easier and faster.

Stick to wood. Much easier.


Active Member
check out my stealth grow, mayebe u can get some ideas, its in a dresser with the 150w econ light ,SOG style lol


Well-Known Member
Here is my idea, that I thought was pretty clever. I already have the wooden box, and when its done, I'm going to take some cardboard boxes and fashion a facade for the grow box, so if someone opened my closet, if would look like two cardboard boxes stacked on top of eachother. Then, the secret door pops off to reveal my super secret grow. Nobody is going to question cardboard boxes in a closet ;]


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this a while back. My idea was a large freezer with a lock. I had one in my garage a few years ago and the thing was mammoth.

You know, the big vertical bastages...pretty easy to find one that's tits up and modify for a stealth grow, 400w hps fan the whole 9 yads.

That was my plan, but I built a 30dx42wx56h cabinet with locking double doors. works like a charm and the plywood rack and various other clutter hides it very well in the back of the shop.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this a while back. My idea was a large freezer with a lock. I had one in my garage a few years ago and the thing was mammoth.

You know, the big vertical bastages...pretty easy to find one that's tits up and modify for a stealth grow, 400w hps fan the whole 9 yads.

That was my plan, but I built a 30dx42wx56h cabinet with locking double doors. works like a charm and the plywood rack and various other clutter hides it very well in the back of the shop.
Yeah ive seen the freezer done before, its a really good idea. But im only on my 4th grow. So I don't feel as if its a good choice for now. Just going to wait till I have a good rack of experiance under my belt.