Stealth Grow Box w/ 10 42 watt CFLs


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks man. What step is next as far as lst. This is my first lst. Not really expecting much from it. Mostly experimental since it's my first try. If I get t right he'll ya. If It ends up not working out. I have others to make up for it. Hopefully it works out tho.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks man. What step is next as far as lst. This is my first lst. Not really expecting much from it. Mostly experimental since it's my first try. If I get t right he'll ya. If It ends up not working out. I have others to make up for it. Hopefully it works out tho.
when the new top colas get big enough tie them down same way, lst is awesome man


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks man. What step is next as far as lst. This is my first lst. Not really expecting much from it. Mostly experimental since it's my first try. If I get t right he'll ya. If It ends up not working out. I have others to make up for it. Hopefully it works out tho.
lst is awesome dude, when the new top colas get big enough do it just like u did before and so on. just keep tying down all the top colas again.

sorry for the double post, i didnt think it went through cuz my computer crashed on me. look in the growfaq for lst dude


Well-Known Member
so i def know that i have been overwatering my plants. i got some little spikes today that change color when i need to water. hopefully this helps. also i know the leaves are way to dark. are the leaves so dark from overwatering or is there nute burn also. also if there is nute burn should i flush right away or wait until the next watering.



Well-Known Member
ya i am pretty sure i just have been overwatering. if anything i think that they need more ferts. the top leaves are still growing and looking healthy. the bottom ones are def getting yellow. doesnt nitrogen deficiency start on the oldest leaves.


Well-Known Member
no, 1/4 or 1/2 my friend. unless you've given em nutes yet, sorry. i just got done w/work and dont wanna re-read this thread to see if you told me that yet. i get to go get my check in an hr though. hoooray!!! almost makes life worth living.


Well-Known Member
alright, i know its been a while but here are some updated pics of my hope to be females. i now that a couple are overwatered. i should of mixed in 25% perlite in with my soil because it retains to much water for their liking. i am also haveing some issues with some small plants. they are about 3 weeks in and they are very small. growth is slow. the leaves appear to be a light green/yellow. i am thinking it is a nut deficiency of N. i gave 3 a 1/4tsp mix of my gh mix and we will see if that helps. does this look like N deficiency to you?



Well-Known Member
turns out my problem was under fertilization. i transplanted the 4 bigger plants into bigger pots and mixed in 40% perlite with my organinc soil to improve drainage. when i transplanted i also gave them a full veg mix fert with 2 tsp micro 3 tsp gro and 1 tsp bloom per gallon. after this they have greatly improved. heres some updated pics. these are taken exactly a week from when i last watered + nuted + transplated. they will recieve more water tomorrow. pots are light and def dry. how do they look to you guys? the first 2 pics are exactly a week from when i transplated, watered, and nuted. the second 2 pics are from a few days before the transplant, water, and nutes.



Well-Known Member
well its been a while since my last update so heres what i have done. all of my plants are still alive and fairly healthy. there in need of watering which i will do in the morning. i will try to post some updated pics as well within the next few days. i have transplanted the 4 biggest plants into bigger pots. i also mixed some perlite in with my soil, about 30 perlite 70 organic soil. i have been feeding with my gh micro,gro,bloom ferts slightly under full veg mix. i have also taken a clone from my favorite plant. the sativa dominant. it has been 3 days since i took the cutting and its still green and looks pretty good. first attemp. got my fingers crossed. the sativa dominant i took the clone from is starting to grow 2 new branches where i topped it. which is what i want. if its a female shes guna be a mom so bushier the better.

right now i am also using both sides of my box for veging just to get the ball rolling faster. i have alot of plants packed in that thing, considering the size. in the right chamber i have the 4 biggest plants i am taking cuttings/getting ready to clone. i also have the clone that i took in this side. in the smaller left side i have 7 small seedlings with 6 seeds on day 2 in jiffy pellets germinating. once these seedlings get about a week older i will switch sides. i will take all of the small seedings in left and put them in right right for flowering. big plants in right i will take clones from and put them in left for veg. while clones go in veg for 2 weeks and then to flower.

i also think 2 of the 4 big plants are suffering from either a phosphorus or mag deficiency. the older lower leaves started to just yellow. then i noticed some spots where they were starting to die, on the lower oldest leaves. that progressed into a purplish tint on the older leaves with yellowing and spots. top of plants remain pretty healthy, they just droop all the time, no matter what, exept for like 1 dayafter i water. then for next 3-5 days the soil is still moist but they still look droopy. soil is 30perlite/70organic soil. i noticed that when i have them a veg mix of fertilizers that it got better for a short period of time, then worse. if it is either def than a epsom salt spray should fix because the veg mix ferts i use are low on phosphorus high on nitrogen. so what i did to test this out was one i gave a foliar spray with 1/4tsp per quart epsom salt. the other one i just plain watered. i will observe differences tomorrow. i hope i figure it out to get the back in 100 percent health. they are also in need of ferts and water tomorrow.