Stealth Dresser LST


Active Member
Well this will be my 3rd attempt with Autos and should defiantly be the most interesting.... Ill give you a little background since my first grow is on this site and my second grow was not. The first grow was a Gnomo Auto that i still have 3 seeds of and will be growing next the problem was over watering and i dont think i was doing the whole hydro thing right. only ended up with about 13gs from 1 plant. the next grow that wasnt posted was in the same hydro system more closely monitored and i grew 2 easy ryders and got about 60g dry off the two of em so i decided that i wanted to grow stealth and in soil so i could possibly do organics because from what i have read the buds taste way better and its better for the plants. So lets hope Good ole Mother Earth has given me her blessing and i get a bountiful harvest this go around.

Plants will be 2 Easy Ryders from Attitude
Ill be LST'n them because i only have 25" of height in my cab
LED lights and possibly CFLs for flower
Using Fox farm organics including the soil

Please pull up a seat and enjoy the grow



Active Member
I am having some heat issues i have a 70CFM intake (bathroom fan) being run in the floor of the Cab because it has cooler air and i have a 80CFM inline fan being run thru a Carbon filter i made that i got the idea from on the DIY thread but temps are getting into the the 80's i jus checked and the temp is 82.5 lights on any suggestions?


82 doesn't seem that bad to me. Assuming your house is around 70ish... I think it's normal to see a 10 degree heat difference. You might try relocating the 70cfm fan to the top to exhaust and using a passive intake at the bottom. Just have to toy around until you find what works for you, I suppose. Seems like 2 bathroom fans would be more than adequate to keep that thing cool. Lookin' good though, man. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks Dhg i think i found the problem the carbon filter i was exhausting through was blocking air flow i took the filter out and ran the duct straight out the side and the temps dropped 5 degrees lol so now to toy around with the filter... im also gonna be adding another Easy Ryder the tap root jus popped today so hopefully well be seeing some lil sprouts coming up soon


Active Member
Just a quick update to anyone who is following one seedling has popped out of the soil the other two just got put into pots today and ill be waiting for them to pop no pics jus yet because it hasnt changed much as soon as i start to see some good growth ill be posting more pics.


I figured that's what your problem was. I've seen a few people complain about their carbon filters blocking up the air flow too much. Seems like a bathroom fan would be powerful enough to push through it but maybe not. Maybe try ducting the 2 into a Y and then into the filter... maybe the second fan will give you enough "oomph" to push through. I'll follow along with ya :D
Good luck, bro.


Active Member
Well its been 3 days since the seeds were put into the pots and they stretched out a lil bit but not to bad i moved them closer to the LED to try and stop them from stretching anymore but here are some pics of the seedlings ill post some more pics when the lights turn off tonight and get some regular colored pics



I love seeing seedlings coming up. It's like giving birth to a child. Pahaha. Lookin' real good so far, keep it up. :D


Well-Known Member
Hay guys, just been reading through your journal. I to have been having exhaust issues and inquired about them using a 70cfm bathroom exhaust fan and running it through a carbon filter on the back side. I was told this wont work. Try going to this link and about half way down you'll see a chart that tells u what fan to run with what filter.

Hope this helps.
I did use a 70 cfm fan in my closet and vented it into the attic. But that's just my drying room.
Good luck.


Active Member
Well my ladies are looking good they have all pretty much started growing their second nodes i am thinking of adding 2 or 4 cfls idn if i want to wait for flower but we will see.. here are some pics right before the light turns on for them to start their day i have been feeding 1day water>no water>big bloom (1 tsp/gal)>no water>plain water.. keep toking and follow along :bigjoint:


Al Dente

Not speaking from experience here but reading a bunch about LEDs (I'm using them myself on my first grow), your light doesn't look like it has much blue in it, if the color in the pics is reasonably accurate. I wonder if this could be contributing to your stretching problem?


Active Member
its a 6/1/1 led the pics make it look red but its more of a purple idn why it doesnt that i moved the girls closer to the light to help combat the stretching too and so far it seems to be working seeing a lot more foliage growth instead of stem grow now.


Active Member
yea i think im going to im jus worried about excess heat building up in there due to the cfls but i think i might add em anyway and see what happens


Active Member
Well things are going good... Had a minor problem last night i went to water the plants and i knocked one of my pots out of the cab and it spilled all over the floor luckily the seedling was not damaged so i scooped up all the soil and replanted it. All the plants are doing good the one that spilled out doesnt seem to be so effected. I think i have decided to add 2 42watt 65k cfls gonna go get em from home depot today...

Started grow nutes today

2tbsp of big bloom
1 tsp of grow big
Ph is 7.0 water and run of was around 5.0 so i just dumped it out
here are some pics of the girls the smallest one is the one that spilled out



Active Member
New pics to come tonight when the lights shut off i went and checked on the girls when i got home this afternoon and the second node leave doubled in size since yesterday i was surprised how fast they grew but im not planning on watering for a few days so hopefully the growth continues untill then but the girls are all looking fine the runt is growing slow but i did see signs of a new node forming so im guessing she is doing fine just a late bloomer lol


Active Member
Well as promised to anyone following here are some pics at the end of day 10 two of the plants are growing nicely but there is still a little runt and ironically enough it was the first to sprout.... I added two 26watt 65k cfls with a lumen output of 1750 each and i had a 13 watt laying around so i figured why not throw it in there two and it only raised the temps 3 degrees which isnt too bad they are at 83 degress lights on and 79 lights off.. Well hopefully in 11 or 12 more days ill have some pre-flower pics i know veg isnt to exciting but im kinda micro managing this grow :weed:

Happy growing more updates to come

