Stealth Dresser Grow (CFLs/Fluoro/LED)


Active Member
DAAAAAAAAAANG Man. Sorry it took so long to see your progress but when i couldn't sign in for a long time i said screw it cause i couldn't check my tracked threads. Looking real good man. I read your comment that my plants will get big, after looking the growth palin took I can imagine what mine will look like, though I cannot expect your growth cause im not usin any nutes (or at least I havn't yet).

Whats nice is if my plants do get to tall I can dig into the floor (dirt) to set the plants lower.

Lookin great mang, cant wait till harvest. What, do you think you have about 4 weeks left?

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
The date is set for 2.17 which is 67 days of 12/12. If they aren't ready, I'll give them anoth 10 days(which also happens to be my birthday. nothing going to be better than sitting around smoking all day and chopping up my beautiful girls) since I've read the full cycle on GDP is 77 days.

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Steady bulking, smooth sailing for now. She's put on at least 50% more weight than the last set of pictures I posted. Maybe I'll take some in the morning when lights go on.

Smoking the few bowl packs of the Bonzai which I've been water curing. It was way premature when cut, but the water curing worked pretty nicely. Very organic tasting, even though she was getting pumped with ferts when cut. I think with Sarah I'll do 75% air/25% water cure.

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Woo woo!

The local hydro store had it's annual 20% off sale today, so I went and picked up some of the essential oil nutes from Fox Farm. Their products have been nothing but amazing thus far. I got some open sesame for next go around, and cha-ching for heavy resin production for Sarah.

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Alright it's been too long without any picture updates, so here are some good shots of Sarah today, two days after her first dose of Cha-Ching!

If the final product is anything like it smells right now, I will swear by Fox Farm products for life. So I had to include the nutrient lineup shot.

Any comments, suggestions, rants, raves, welcome!

If anyone wants high res pics, I'll zip them up and send them to you. Just PM me.



Well-Known Member
looking great man, real good. happy bday tommorrow by the way.

From the looks of the trichs you prob are going to flower a bit longer then the expected 10 days?


Well-Known Member
Sarah is fine getting 2 tsp/gal.

Bonzai was getting 1tsp/halfgal of both Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I'm now looking at her and she is looking a little sick, just some spots on the leaves. Time to do some hunting and see what it could be.
You may want to lower your dose of Grow Big to 1tsp per gal and just use that only for veggin also you should get the Big Bloom it helps alot in veg and flower...

My girls were burnt when I used 2tsp of Grow Big which is what you are using so that's where the spots are coming from most likely, I would flush em really good then feed them the 1tsp per gal when the dry out...


Well-Known Member
Ya..just what ThunderUrkle said...get em off grow dont need the nitrogen...tiger bloom has plenty nitrogen. Just give em tiger bloom.

PCE...looking good