Stealth draws?


Well-Known Member
Obviously 'TheRuiner' hasn't read the rest of the post lol :) Yeah its alot but it will pay for its self and why settle for a tent where the smell freely excapes even when you do set it up correctly, Everyone starts somewhere but once you've found your feet you dont want to go out and have to buy an all new setup when you could have started the way you meant to go on :) - STELTHY :leaf:
Guilty as charged. I didn't read the whole thread, just gave my two cents.

In defense of my tent though, with a proper sized exhaust fan (creating a small amount of negative pressure inside the tent) I haven't had a single whiff of anything pulling though a CAN FAN 2600. I also keep a big bottle of Oni gel on hand too just in case a fan were to ever die, or things just get out of hand (I sure hope not!)
I totally hear you though when it comes to doing things right, I did homework and collected equipment for two years before my first seed ever went into the ground, so as I said, only you know what's right for your unique situation. My only concern for your sake was that you'd start getting your feet wet and realize that you could do things better a different way, I know I did, it was all trial and error, still is! :) Making everything conform to your style is fine too though, happy growing and God bless!


Well-Known Member
the 90 degree bends are a right pig to use in small places chances are they wont fit :(

if your running a 600w light the 6inch ruck fan is perfect for it. i built a 34x22x60in cabinet last year with 600w hps using a 6inch cool tube and a 6 inch ruck tempertaure controled fan, it was perfect it ran on the slowest setting for 90% of the time (meant the light was only just warming the box) i had bought 90 degree bends but with the cooltube they didnt fit and the fan still did the job with just bent ducting

the 6 inch fan is still pretty noisy for a stealth what i did was wrap it in clingfilm taped a plastic bottle to the controls. i then put it all back in original box (with hole cut out to put plastic bottle thru) then i used expanding foam to fill up box

your gonna find you'l need to get a big ol carbon filter to match up with the 700m3h i couldnt fit it into my box but old carboard boxes with the top and bottom cut off can make a very good disguise ontop of box


Ok thanks for the input dude. Ill have to have a think. I was thinking of the u bend in the top of a built in wardrobe then into the attic. Not sure whether illextract ot vent up there though the eaves.Would this make a noise because themises wont stande for that lol. Ive had to agree that after i build it all is she isnt happy with noise and odor control or about the whle thing in general i will just use the cabs as storage cabinets:(

I was thinking an 8" fan running at a lower level mate help with noise?


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the input dude. Ill have to have a think. I was thinking of the u bend in the top of a built in wardrobe then into the attic. Not sure whether illextract ot vent up there though the eaves.Would this make a noise because themises wont stande for that lol. Ive had to agree that after i build it all is she isnt happy with noise and odor control or about the whle thing in general i will just use the cabs as storage cabinets:(

I was thinking an 8" fan running at a lower level mate help with noise?
i dont think you can use a dimmer switch tye set up with these fans they already have 3 speeds built into them.
i found without insulation the lowest speed of the 6 inch was pretty quiet the middle and top speeds were loud i couldnt sleep thru it
once i insulated the box i could sleep in the same room as it. you couldnt hear it outside of the room with the door shut

unless you really had to i wouldnt vent into attic if you can keep door to grow room open then just let heat circulate around the house

even with a really good carbon filter you probably will still get smell (especially if you leave door to grow room shut for a while the smell really builds up)
i used one of these alongside carbon filter and it killed all smell from it i could leave door open and people would walk past room and not have a clue as to what i was doing


Ok mate thanks. Im sure stealthy will sort it all out for me, those ozone things look really good, its gonna have to be uber stealth lol for her in doors to let me keep doing it so i may get one.

Ive got to learn how to grow as i go along lol but i figure its gonna take me a while to get the cab all sorted so i can learn as i go.

Ive got to get this right so im glad stealthy is helping me:) As for the venting i through the eaves of the loft i was thinking it wouldsave me cash on AC unit plus if a my mates ever did go in that room they would see the dehumidifier and ac unitand know what i was doing.

Im sure stealthy will see me rightt though. I know its alot to spend but i smokea fair bit for my anxiety and depression so will pay for itself intime and hopefull getme a better smoke than wet cheese lol.


Right sorry about this i need to change my username. When i joined i wasnt planning on doing this lol and a few people i know browse this site so i dont want them to know. I will start a new thread called Stealth Cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Ok mate thanks. Im sure stealthy will sort it all out for me, those ozone things look really good, its gonna have to be uber stealth lol for her in doors to let me keep doing it so i may get one.

Ive got to learn how to grow as i go along lol but i figure its gonna take me a while to get the cab all sorted so i can learn as i go.

Ive got to get this right so im glad stealthy is helping me:) As for the venting i through the eaves of the loft i was thinking it wouldsave me cash on AC unit plus if a my mates ever did go in that room they would see the dehumidifier and ac unitand know what i was doing.

Im sure stealthy will see me rightt though. I know its alot to spend but i smokea fair bit for my anxiety and depression so will pay for itself intime and hopefull getme a better smoke than wet cheese lol.
Are they on about O-Zone generaters? they are good But BUT they induce cancer BIG-TIME!!! And there are much better ways of containing/controlling smell etc than this :) ONA and carbon filters, and odor-soks will get you past that :)

Growing in DWC is as easy as 1,2,3 :) Basically you use a fish-tank air pump, water (PH Balanced) and nuitrient, a net pot, a rockwool cube and a seed and the rest is history

I reccomend CANNA nuitrients, They are easiest to use, There is a web site to help you with feeding quantities and they give great results :)

Its always good to have a dehumidifier to rid your hous of damp n possible mould......I had one even before I had a grow cab...We wanna stay healthy' :) .. mould spores are'nt cool they put me in hospital before...So you gotta be v. careful :)

We will defo get you some top Knotch smoke and this will indeed help medicate, more so than your previous 'wet' attempt's

.... There 'ARE' cheaper ways of doing this 'BUT' if you want everything 100% Stealth then thats why there's a cost attached

Dont be down heartend man! When you havest you'll be smillin super big grins man! - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Ok i wont mate. Just let us know in my new thread what i need to order along with the 8"fan and filter.Just the minimum for pre drillg the holes etc. I know you said 90degree elbows.

Ill get lights etc as soon as cab is built. Im hoping to get this cab all lined and drilled and made up in 2 days if we go full at it.


Well-Known Member
Ok i wont mate. Just let us know in my new thread what i need to order along with the 8"fan and filter.Just the minimum for pre drillg the holes etc. I know you said 90degree elbows.

Dungie..... Are you now BudBaby?? Random lol ? !! So is this thread still alive or do you have a new one now?? Bit confused.... message me n let me know the score :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok i wont mate. Just let us know in my new thread what i need to order along with the 8"fan and filter.Just the minimum for pre drillg the holes etc. I know you said 90degree elbows.

Dungie..... Are you now BudBaby?? Random lol ? !! So is this thread still alive or do you have a new one now?? Bit confused.... message me n let me know the score :) - STELTHY :leaf: