stealth dorm cfl sog 11 bagseed growlog


Active Member
Guys please stop telling me not to grow, cuz im going to anyways. Ive grown attached i cant murder my babies. Focus more on giving me growing advice please.

New problem: Found out what happened its the light cycle. These plants must be very confused. I left simple instructions for my neighbor 8am lights on 8pm lights off. When I came back the lights were off when should have been on. i turned them on and the leaves shot upwards and I had no idea why. Its because they had only been in darkness for 3 hours and when the light was turned on they were trying to get out of the light by shooting upwards and closing the leafs.....FUCK. Turned the lights back off around 4 and they went back to normal. wont turn back on until 4am. Now I have to deal with getting up at 4 in the morning oh well. Also i think since I am doing SeaOfGreen method I think Im going to just cut off all of the branching undergrowth to encourage a canopy of giant colas. But the question is whether its too early or not. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE! thanks peace
They are curling up because they need to be transplanted into bigger pots. You have a neighbor come inside and turn the lights on and off for you?

Invest in a timer?????????? That way you can keep the grow to yourself ... o wait oops you already have neighbors in on it.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but listen up yo:

The reason we keep say stop growing is because you should.

My thought process was as such : (all trying to give you the benefit of the doubt mostly)
-Okay he's growing in a dorm , most likely a no no, but can be possible if he wants to be extremely safe.
-Okay now he's said that a neighbor is watching the plants for him, a big no no, but I guess the friend can be real close and trustworthy.
-Okay now I realize he's trying for eleven plants under only 4 CFLS, without a timer, and without any means of covering up the smell.
-Okay, he definitely should not be growing inside his dorm room.

You will not yield much off of eleven pants under four CFLs, they will need a lot more light thus increasing the smell because of heat, and you'll also have to get some kind of ventilation going. You've let people know about the grow, be it a close neighbor or not, if you get into a fight or ANYTHING of the matter, all he has to do is say 'yeah this kid is growing weed next door' and the RA WILL search your room. You're going to have countless issues with the smell, marijuana smell is VERY hard to be eliminated, especially inside your dorm because you aren't going to start building intakes and exhausts with carbon scrubbers because you dont own the room. This means you will have to COVERUP the marijuana smell, and let me tell you, it's very hard to successfully cover up the smell of pot.

Why don't you just buy bags the rest of the year (can't be too much left, right?) or go out and party. Your risk is so much greater than the gain you will get out of this, trust me. You can get mad about it, but honestly this is not the place to come for advice if you're not willing to take it.

You can't blame us fellow potheads for trying to save someone just BEGGING to be caught.

EDIT: I'm 99% sure that sites like this one are completely against growing inside a place that isn't owned by the grower, therefore when you make a post about growing inside your parents house, dorm room, or any kind of government housing, most people will tell you not to do it.

Growing marijuana is already a huge risk, why do it in an environment that increases that risk greatly?


Active Member
Heres an update they been in 12/12 for 8 days and still not sure of any sex. They have recovered very well. Most of the new growth is lush and green and the shitty leaves I just pruned off cuz im doin the lollipop technique. Here are some pics, can anyone tell male/female from any of them? Or can you tell from the looks of it how long it will take? I only have 32 days left...any way I can get some bud harvested by then?? If not can I just clone them somehow? I live about 2 hours away from school so would clones survive the ride home...THNX bitches


Well-Known Member
Dude i know u hate hearing people telling you not to grow man but realy those plants will not even get to harvest time u will not be able to put them under 12/12 , because they realy start to smell i mean my neighbors and my house can smell it but they are pot heads so they like the smell haha .

bottom line man u dont wana get get kicked out of college for those plants if next year u move out and get a place then hell yea grow the shit out of some weed. plus those 4 cfls are not going to be enough light for those plants u just have to many for 4 cfls. i would have 4cfls for each plant if i used cfls.


Active Member
thats cool. any other opinions? maybe i could go plant them out in the deep woods and just drive back in a couple months to harvest. Would that work?


Well-Known Member
Growing outdoors is great man, just hide a very well hidden place that your plants could get enought light but u will have to go out there about every 3 days to check up on them u know, also keep a good eye on the weather u don't want u babies to die from lack of water.


Well-Known Member
I'd say growing in a dorm is not a good situation.

I used to smoke in my dorm, Granted i had a suite with a central bathroom, between the two rooms, 2 people per room. Basically used the rooms as an airlock to the bathroom. Puts towels down around both seals, turn vents on, shower/steaming, and blow through dryer sheets.....Still wasn't always perfect.


Well-Known Member
I think moving the plants outdoors is a great idea. It will reduce to risk on your part and will be a lot better for the plants than being moved 2 hours away in a car. Just take your time picking a spot, don't tell anyone (else), and be careful transplanting them.


Active Member
I cant leave them outside here, i wouldn't be there to sex them, b/c i live 2 hours away and I would end up with seeded mids. does anyone know a good way to transport clones and have them be concealed? :neutral::evil::confused:


Well-Known Member
yeah dude be sure to tell any one who knows about them that you are taking them to kill them, or throw in a dumpster or something...

and you could sex them, just visit every three days for a couple weeks until all you have left are females!