stealth Coin-op video game cabinet grow (mame cabinet)


Well-Known Member
Anyone have one? Seen one? Heard of one?
Building mine finally, just looking to see if it's a first.


Well-Known Member
I built a mame emulation cabinet when I was younger, wish I stil had it thats a great idea


Well-Known Member
I'll post pics.

The plan is flower in the bottom and veg where the crt used to be. Slap a cheap laptop in the very very top and a cheap LCD for the monitor so it's all working but 99% just empty space inside and looks complete.

I was going to look for a fitting game to run on it, but I think I'll just have it run winamp and be a jukebox. I don't care about games any more at my age really, it's just something to screw around with.


Well-Known Member
If you use the full height of the cabinet and offset your two chambers horizontally instead of vertically youll be able to grow way better plants. Flowering plants need height.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm not understanding what you mean speedhabit. The bottom of the cabinet is 4' tall and the top for vegging is 2'. If you mean I should use slim 6' tall spaces side by side I don't see that working as well at all. For lights I have a choice of 8 4' flouros or a couple 250's or a mix, and for veg I have 42w cfl's and or 2' flouro's.

I've grown more than my fair share before. So far always indica heavy though, so maybe you're a sativa grower. I have both types this run, but the sativas will probably be left growing in a closet.

I don't even need the stealth really, it's just that I had this cabinet sitting here right beside me for a couple years that I never got around to doing anything with and have thought about it for a while. (mainly every time I see posts about pc case grows and other tiny things like that and think this would sure be a better idea for a lot of those folks if they wanted to go to this much effort)

Also I just recently started growing again after many years away from it. If (knock on wood) my main grow ever got stolen or had a problem I'd still have what's inside this, and I like the sound of that added backup.


Active Member
I've been thinking about this same idea for about a year... never really found the case for something I was willing to spend on it. Glad someone else had the idea would love to see some pics.


Well-Known Member
if you make it so that you can grow your plants inside and STILL play games on it, you will become a stoner God.


Well-Known Member
That's how I'm making it, it will work completely but I don't think that's going to make me a stoner god. That would be nice, I'd like (no make that LOVE) to be a stoner god, but alas I have not been born into the royal family and nobody is likely to ask me to judge all the cannabis cup winners or be featured in a High Times magazine over this... Or would they? Maybe a small feature between ads for legal bud garbage but I'd be ok with that. :)

Cool MountainOrange, I guess I wasn't the only one with this idea.

Must get to working on that... Must get off the couch...


Active Member
hey quick question...those 42watt cfl``s u were talking about. what spectrum are they and where did u find them. i can only find the 42 watt ones in a lower spectrum but i need 6500k