Stealth CFL Mini Fridge Grow

Hey everyone,

Although this is my first post, I just wanted to say thank you for all the great info that I have stumbled upon here. I have finally got my fridge put together and I am ready to start the growing process here soon.

Grow Box Setup:
2 x 63CFM 120mm Computer Case Fans on variable voltage 12v ac/dc adapter
2 x 120mm computer case fan screens (don't want the dust being pulled in)
2 x mogul sockets
1 x feliz 125 watt 6500k grow lamp
1 x feliz 125 watt 2700k grow lamp

Carbon Scrubber:
activated carbon filter cut to fit in the 4" hole slot

Grow Project:
So i will be doing 3 small plants in the box
1 x Silver Crystal Haze
1 x Buddha
1 x Afghan Kush

Soil & Nutes (for the time being):
Pro Mix Soil
Bio Thrive Veg Nutes

The water is filtered through a Brita filter then mixing in the bio thrive and leaving the container open for 24 hours to filter out the chlorine

Still need to pick up hygrometer/thermometer but as of right now the air seems to be around 75-80 degrees (not much warmer than room temp)

Sorry about the image quality, I was kinda rushed and took them with my iPod camera.


Active Member
Dude, that is sweet. And a very powerfully impressive setup.

But I have to know, does the fridge still work? Can you still plug it in to start cooling it up? I know it's not necessary, but I just think it would be cool to cool some plants. Even at night time when the lights are off. Just to throw the temp down to cold temps.
Dude!! Very well done! I have a fridge that its very close to that size if not completely similar. Your approach is right on, and others can tell too. In your particular situation, I would offer an idea that just hit as I'm typing! Alright check this out. Not to hi-jack the thread but I wonder about the phesbility of a mini CO2 can that you use for pellet guns, and a release mechanism that could offer controlled inputs on the micro level-

This would be an excellent platform to test different approaches on. Indoors I suggest CO2 as much as possible, even if its baking soda and vinegar out of a small hole in a ballon over the mouth of a 20 oz bottle, or the other house hold solutions that create CO2.. The fridge would allow ventillation through the fans but become pretty sealed with ambiant pressure creating the flow once nightime came around that gas was released inside. Intervals with the fans during and after the release of CO2 and during the night in general is important with the very small somewhat-airtight containers.

I have a question though. I have not tried go grow three plants in such a small area before, I was hands-on with a situation like this and there were two plants, my question is to know if you are confident that three plants will produce adequate weight apeice to offer weeks of smoke?
I Would submit that with the awesome setup that you have, One plant would benefit from having as much root space as possible in there, even if vegged for 2 1/2 weeks after first leaf. I have been around claimed afghan kush and as you may understand this is a 7+ foot plant. Once this baby goes to bud, you can plan to lend real estate. Under a screen one plant could easily fill the entire case with 2-3 gram buds!

Keep up the hard work and engineering! Peace!!
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

I forgot to mention that I cut out the compressor from the fridge to make space for a dryer vent that I put on the backside of the intake fan (so that light will not seep out the bottom). So unfortunately the "fridge" part does not work anymore.

As for CO2 and the number of plants I plan on planting:

I built a sister fridge for a friend. His is a little bit shallower than mine, but about the same width. He has been the one successfully growing the plants, as I spent the time putting the systems together. He actually started playing around with CO2 canisters that he created out of a 2 liter bottle. However, since this is my first grow I have not personally played around with the idea. I am not really sure if I want to add one more variable to the experiment yet or not.

The more I look at spacial relations I feel that 2 2 cola plants will probably fit in the fridge best. I plan on doing a ScrOG if anyone couldn't tell already. The only two plants that I "choose" were the SCH and the Buddha, the afghan seeds were thrown in free so I didn't really read up on them much.
Sweet. I am glad people like my design. It took a couple times to get to my liking. I tried small low wattage cfl bulbs before I found the Feliz cfl bulbs. I originally used a single 6500k veg bulb hanging from a socket witnh German reflector but realized I could easily add two bulbs if I mount the sockets. The whole counter sinking the sockets was done by accident because I couldn't find long enough 8-32 bolts (the sockets requires a 8-32 nut to make it easy to mount. I originally half counter sunk the sockets but realized that I should mount them against the inside wall of the metal shell so that they do not sag overtime due to compression of the insulation over time.

Pics of the girls will be posted late tonight. But so far really good results. Adding the second bulb has made huge improvements already.
5 plants.jpg

Here is a quick pic of 5 of the 6 plants we have going. Unfortunately all 5 of these are currently planted in some MG organic soil (so they have turned a little yellow from nutrient burning, but tonight they will be transplanted into the Pro Mix
Sorry it has been a while since I last posted. Here are some pics of the plants 2 days after they have been replanted into Pro Mix soil. Unfortunately the little guy on the right was the first plant we got going and when I added the second bulb it grew a lot quicker than I thought it would. It ended up burning the top of the plant and dried out the leaves. Plus the MG soil was nutrient burning the plants. I just trimmed it back and let it start again. Seems to be coming back, but we will see.

I moved the shelf down a level and repositioned the plants on some books to raise them near the bulbs. This will be their first day in this new setup. I also watered them with some Bio Thrive


randy leopard

Active Member
very cool setup man! +rep fo sho. im workin with a big bass amp that looks to be almost the exact same space you have. i definitely agree that 2 or even just 1 plants in there is plenty. i have 3 going now and its not enough space. ive done tons of LST and bending and whatnot. go with 2. youll have a bigger yield.
one of girls is getting swallowed by the other 2.

nice fuckin grow box dude~!
Here are some updated pics. I am not really sure if the little guy in back is going to make it, but it has recovered much better than I thought it would. The lady on the right unfortunately really clung tightly to that stupid MG soil I planted her in first, but hopefully the nutrient diluting plus Pro Mix soil will turn her completely green again (although she has been doing much better). But all I can say is the lefty is showing me how good a plant can look with a little love.


New pics should be posted again sometime after Xmas.
So i switched my plants to flower 12/12 about 4 days ago and have been using Flora Nova nutes. Sorry its been so long since my last post. They have grown really well thus far.

Temps: about 74 degrees F
Humidity: just below 50 percent
