Stealth Cabinet Build!


Well-Known Member
You know I think about this stuff getting out of hand...but here I am...ever expanding my grow to a perpetual grow I don't really sell much of it so it for personal use...but if everything works out I'll be popping out pounds every couple months...I love Marijuana Cultivation and the community and I want to give back to everyone that helped me in my life. I really want to test the lights out because if they really work then a lot of people can benefit. This is the first grow that has made me nervous in a long time because I really want to hit the mark hard...there is a lot riding on this one. Good growing Icannabis

The Steve

Just figured I'd chime in with the induction lights. I just started an induction grow with a custom grow box a built. Not as nice as yours but I didn't have much $ to put into the box. Check it out if you want though.


Well-Known Member
+ Subscribed.

I've been meaning to do another renovation of my flowering cabinet, in preparation for summer. Induction lighting is one of the options I've been considering, I figure a 200w lamp would work for me. I'm looking forward to seeing how your cabinet turns out. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey VH13,
Well I'd consider the 300w in 2700k it's not that much more and you're out of the CFL range...and I can't wait to finish the cabinet and start the grow.


Well-Known Member
You know I think about this stuff getting out of hand...but here I am...ever expanding my grow to a perpetual grow I don't really sell much of it so it for personal use...but if everything works out I'll be popping out pounds every couple months...I love Marijuana Cultivation and the community and I want to give back to everyone that helped me in my life. I really want to test the lights out because if they really work then a lot of people can benefit. This is the first grow that has made me nervous in a long time because I really want to hit the mark hard...there is a lot riding on this one. Good growing Icannabis
I like your style homey! Can you give me a pound please???? LOL Its good to hear people try to help others with their grows by testing themselves! I hope that made sense?




Well-Known Member
I hear you Icannabis, I grow for personal use too but it's tempting having a perpetual grow going. I know you will keep it under control even with the new cabinets. This grow means more to you than the other grows because it's not about just you & your wife. You're a cool dude Icannabis. I know this grow is going to be great.
You know I think about this stuff getting out of hand...but here I am...ever expanding my grow to a perpetual grow I don't really sell much of it so it for personal use...but if everything works out I'll be popping out pounds every couple months...I love Marijuana Cultivation and the community and I want to give back to everyone that helped me in my life. I really want to test the lights out because if they really work then a lot of people can benefit. This is the first grow that has made me nervous in a long time because I really want to hit the mark hard...there is a lot riding on this one. Good growing Icannabis


Active Member
You can never have too much cannabis. If you end up with hugely excessive amounts, you can start baking with it, making tinctures, donating it to dispensaries if you live in a legal state, donating it to friends in need as you said (or selling, who am I to judge, lol).. That's not going to be a concern for awhile though, unless you hurry up and finish the damn cab! Come on, we want to see more! ;)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm waiting on the light still...I'll do some more work on the cabinet today. There is no rush I still don't have anything to grow. Attitude is backed up with orders still from the March promo...and I know everyone is waiting on me to get started. I'll get as much done as I can till everything arrives.


Well-Known Member
Hey Icannabis, you don't have to rush or anything. I know when your seeds and light arrive it's going to be on! I need to check out this promo on seeds Attitude has going on.


Well-Known Member
nice:)what's your square feet under the flowering light? i am mostly interested to see how this light performs! the cab is neat :) how are you venting it?


Well-Known Member
Zem I would say around 6...and I posted a link to the filter I was going to use earlier...I thought this was odd so I'll post it...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chief,
I'm still waiting on my light...and seeds...but with all the stuff happening in Japan right now who knows when it will arrive or if it will.


Active Member
What are you planning to do with the fold up car window reflector? Are you using it to patch that hole or for your reflective surface? If you don't want to shell out for mylar, use the emergency blankets in your nearest walmart camping section.. they're like 3-4 bucks each and you can probably get away with using 3 of them. The material is really hard to work with. Arts and craft stores should sell a form of Elmer's adhesive spray that don't dry immediately and would give you time to smooth it all out. I am going to use that from now on when I line cabinets, the gorilla glue didn't adhere properly even though I rubbed a very thin layer of it all over the surface area.. and using a staple gun I always ended up with dust/air pockets and wrinkling.

Hope your light arrives soon, seems like you've been waiting a long time for it.