Stealth Bedroom...Who Needs A Stealth Cab


Well-Known Member
Its in your lease that they have to give 24hrs notice unless its an emergency. I would have sued the apt complex for coming in.

Also, the spare bedroom has a locking knob on it. So there is no way for them to get into that room. At my old apt, I jsut swapped the lock on the front door. When they finally found out that it was a different lock, I gave them a key to that one, and just changed it again. This way they can never get in your apt without you knowing. And all they will do is ask why you switched locks. Tell them the key was sticking and you forgot to drop a key off to them.


Active Member
Sounds like you've got things under control. I guess I'll just re-key the front door and put my own locks on the doors inside.

Depending on how big my next closet is, I may do a false wall setup like this. Thanks for the idea Bob & good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
I'd have done it with 2x4s and drywall, but thats cool as shit! Landlord might not have a sense of humor about it, but it IS cool!


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely no way in hell I'd even try growing in a rental situation. I'd be way to worried about the LL coming in while I'm gone. Sure they're "supposed" to give 24 hr notice, but I don't care what they say, they will come in when they want to. My luck would be some rat chewing a wire thru in a wall somewhere (I'll be gone, of course!) and the LL will have to come in.


a good thread,i wanna grow when i move into my apartment in the end of the summer.I am going to definately change the locks inside.i dont want my neighborhood crackheads breaking through the windows either so smell is a the big thing in apartments,i know that for sure!!in a tigh net area people can smell the dank growing.Thats how i found out my buddys neighbor was growing.We would walk by his apartment at night and you could smell the Grandaddy all fresh in the face,so smell is important.


Well-Known Member
I would love to post some more pics, but they are all on my old computer that doesn't work anymore. And I took down the "closet" because it was taking up too much space in my room.

It was really easy to get into the room. The shelf came off and there was a little tab of wood that looked like it was holding up the shelf. Once the shelf was off, you just pull on that tab of wood and the back wall would pull forward. I would just move that piece out of the way and then you could just walk in.