Stealing electricity


Well-Known Member
For all the other kids thinking about stealing power or setting up a grow house so you can become rich, don't do it! It's not worth it if you get caught, and you probably WILL get caught. Be content to grow a few plants, have some good bud to smoke and get a job. Nobody needs that much weed or the kind of money that much weed will bring in. Think real hard before you make a mistake you will most certainly regret for the rest of your life. :joint::peace:
I could not agree more.

I recently saw a signature here which I saw previously at another site:

No Tell...
No Smell...
No Sell....

Words to live by. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha....y'all start to get of my dick then you sit right back down for round two.
Ive grown out side for 3 years inside for four. Never over 50 plants at a time but I have two partners.
And the local syndicate? ? A bunch of wannabe gangsters and crack heads hell of a lot of cannabis dealers.
Cops are after crack/cocaine here u get a blue ticket for 20grams
Believe me No one is on your wet pussy kid. Just stating that your a complete idiot for thinking you are going to grow 300 plants with stolen electrictity, you have to be the biggest retard to do something like that. Cops will be after your dumbass too if you start an illegal grow op with stolen electricity.
Use that brain of yours instead of coming up with stupid ideas on how to get rich quick they usually always fail.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha....y'all start to get of my dick then you sit right back down for round two.
Ive grown out side for 3 years inside for four. Never over 50 plants at a time but I have two partners.
And the local syndicate? ? A bunch of wannabe gangsters and crack heads hell of a lot of cannabis dealers.
Cops are after crack/cocaine here u get a blue ticket for 20grams
Don't take it personal man. I have to admit it's a tempting thought but most people live in a world where growing that much weed would certainly draw attention and get them hard time if they get caught. If this is your calling then I hope it works out for you. It's just that a lot of us don't like the thought of potheads out there making bad decisions and making the whole marijuana culture look bad.


Well-Known Member
By the way, smart guy, when I refer to the local criminal syndicate I am not talking about the street-level dealers.

I am talking about the guys you don't see. The ones who will slam your dick in a car door for taking money out of their pockets.

But never mind me. Go ahead with your plan. :twisted:
By the way, smart guy, when I refer to the local criminal syndicate I am not talking about the street-level dealers.

I am talking about the guys you don't see. The ones who will slam your dick in a car door for taking money out of their pockets.

But never mind me. Go ahead with your plan. :twisted:
reading these forums blazed is a blast in itself. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
By the way, smart guy, when I refer to the local criminal syndicate I am not talking about the street-level dealers.

I am talking about the guys you don't see. The ones who will slam your dick in a car door for taking money out of their pockets.

But never mind me. Go ahead with your plan. :twisted:
LOL!!! Man I love your posts! Maybe those guys where he lives will only threaten to slam his dick in the car door for the first offense. I don't like the odds though......Ouch!:shock:


Active Member
Lol. ..y'all some funny mother fuckers.
Yeah ever since I had my idea every bodys dated pretty much the same thing.
But if I don't do it ill have burning all my life always working doing somekind of hard labor.
ive been to prison yes I hate it, most stories are lies ppl do get fucked in the ass but they are sex afenders
Bitches,or just owe somebody who has no problem ducking another Guy.
Which is rare depending were u are. But I'd rather go to prison trying to get rich thgen flipping burgers wondering if I could have plenty of money. Yes I'm a younger cat still learning but 400,000 a year or 15,000 hard labor.
So when I asked how to do it I just wonted to no. I was still thinking about it,I researched and most growers r caught stealing so while I grow ill just do nuthing illegal no smoking nuthing.


Active Member
This is a very entertaining thread to say the least.

1000KWh can easily be excused with a computer, HDTV, and a 120w bulb. That is one bedroom. Add another 1000KWh for the living room alone, and another 1000KWh for heating/cooling/water and sewer pumping/freezer in the garage/power tool usage/hottub or swimming pool.... the list goes on. In a 3 bedroom house you can easily use 6000KWh and not have any suspicion whatsoever as long as you pay.

Get a business licence to work on/sell autos ($20) and have the power company come and install a industrial size power panel at your house. From there just buy and sell at auctions as your "work" and your power usage for 10,000KWh is justified. There are a billion excuses you can use to justify almost any power consumption. Just pay for it and no one will ever bother you.

Most of all, think before you act.


Active Member
This is a very entertaining thread to say the least.

1000KWh can easily be excused with a computer, HDTV, and a 120w bulb. That is one bedroom. Add another 1000KWh for the living room alone, and another 1000KWh for heating/cooling/water and sewer pumping/freezer in the garage/power tool usage/hottub or swimming pool.... the list goes on. In a 3 bedroom house you can easily use 6000KWh and not have any suspicion whatsoever as long as you pay.

Get a business licence to work on/sell autos ($20) and have the power company come and install a industrial size power panel at your house. From there just buy and sell at auctions as your "work" and your power usage for 10,000KWh is justified. There are a billion excuses you can use to justify almost any power consumption. Just pay for it and no one will ever bother you.

Most of all, think before you act.
Thank you
his is the type of replys I wont.
I'm going to write that Down .
Any other good ideas? ??


Well-Known Member
This is a very entertaining thread to say the least.

1000KWh can easily be excused with a computer, HDTV, and a 120w bulb. That is one bedroom. Add another 1000KWh for the living room alone, and another 1000KWh for heating/cooling/water and sewer pumping/freezer in the garage/power tool usage/hottub or swimming pool.... the list goes on. In a 3 bedroom house you can easily use 6000KWh and not have any suspicion whatsoever as long as you pay.
i agree completely... i use just about 3000 kwh a month with about 1000 watts to grow and the rest is utilities. but we have gas stoves heaters water heaters so that cuts nearly 500 kwh a month off and its two ppl in a 3 bedroom 3 bath house with a "game room" ;) above the garage.


screw getting caught, you're gonna fry yourself or even blow yourself up. when you are messing with meters you cannot kill power to your meter so you are working with live power that has no over current protection device. youtube "arc flash" and see if you feel comfortable working on live electricity