Stay away from attitude seed waste of time and money...

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Well-Known Member
OUTLAW ALCOHOL is a little bitch, i usually get seeds in 6 or 7 days and now its been 11 days and i still havent recieved my order, if this is because you fucked up by telling the USPS then... i dont know what but ill be pissed because i dont pay for the guaranteed shipping
wow! hope u git ur shit man. i understand fully cux wen u order beans its so fuckin stressful as is. and now they got ppl rattin and shit
Today 10-22 GOT MY FUKN BEANS!! im so happy. my first grow/time ordering from internet. Attitude Rocks all the way!! DNA lemon skunk and KC brains choice, why does time go by so slow now!!


Well-Known Member
Today 10-22 GOT MY FUKN BEANS!! im so happy. my first grow/time ordering from internet. Attitude Rocks all the way!! DNA lemon skunk and KC brains choice, why does time go by so slow now!!
You are going to love DNA Lemon Skunk. Easy grow, good yield and a great all around taste and buzz. Just be extra careful not to overwater. With this strain its better to air on the dryside.:peace: Holy Shit! Did I actually say something positive in this post!?! LOL Oh ya Outlaw, your still a douch.


Well-Known Member
LOL not only are your a punk ass rat bastard, you're also completely ignorant.

If you want people to "stay out of other peoples business" you shouldnt post that business on an internet message board.

You post is full of bullshit about breeder packs etc.

Look out foe the karma smackdown you're owed,. You broke the first and most important of all the rules:

Dry up and blow away rat *?";* *** ***":.
Actually the OBAMA administration has told the FEDS to back of growers within states that have Med MJ Laws. But like I said, the FEDS are going to backdown on small MJ grows. Especially those that are legal by state law. And do you really think they will take your annon letters seriously? They have bigger fish to fry. If you are going to blow the whistle and want someone to listen. You gotta stand up and show your face. Not hide in the tattle tail corner.


Well-Known Member
People also need to remember that no breeder is perfect and neither are the strains so there will always be a few bad apples here and there.

I had a Barney's LSD sprout up with the first true leaf set and that was it. The stem stopped there with those two leaves... thats it. Shit happens and those wierdo's will always be around. I dont mind the weird ones so much cause it can be entertaining at times watching them try to figure out how they will grow.
Very well put. We are growing 'hybrids' If you want to be completely sure then go Landrace strains. Even then you get strange phenos and other surprises. Enjoy the challenge. Dont give up just because of one bump in the road. Grow and learn.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
wow if you only spent 500 hundred dollars, and got all those seeds, you must have bought some shitty cheap seeds from a horrible breeder on attitude, like other people say on here, GO WITH REPUTABLE BREEEDERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Well-Known Member
i had to quit growing thaanks to the attitude. After getting ripped off 500.00 i just cant do it anymore. I cant blame the breeders cause i went threw 5 different breeders. Thats one hell of a coinsidece...
I grew for 3 years it wasnt anything i did wrong.
Attitude sucks
they will be shut down soon... I promise
i mailed 2 anonomys letters to usps, royal mail. They will not fuck anyone eles over.
Think twice before ordering the post office knows.....
1000's of seed come out of a plant:: Why r they 20.00 a piece? Why do they tell you to get fucked when they fuck up?
O well, i dont hold a grudge but i do get even....

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your the biggest peice of shit who ever lived, please wear a t shirt with outlaw alchohol on it so i know who you are when i find you bitch
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