• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Statistic Proof Of God


Active Member
I've proposed this to people before and never had a decent refutation. This seems like a fair crowd to put this forth.

In an infinte universe anything that is possible will occur. Basic statistics. Infinte group, infinite subsets. If from an infinite set off choices to describe the creation of the universe (which is an oxymoron in itself. "So what was it before it was the universe?") the theory that a being/entity/god sufficiently advanced as to be incomprehensible to homo (semi)sapien created all that we pecieve should be admitted as a possibility. In an infinite set all things that can be, are. The universe is infinate, god is a possibility;therefore, god exists... beyond this conclusion I'm as clueless as the rest.

Sr. Verde

I see what you mean

But all possibilities exist in different universes right? Like each universe has a different timeline and set of properties?

Well it would be easy to say that GOD DOES EXIST, just not in our universe.

God may definitely exist in a parallel world where we are made of weed and grow humans... know what I mean?

I like your thinking though, good way to start my morning


Well-Known Member
God does not exist, he was simply a creation made up for people to have something to believe in also a control tactic !!
Sorry to burst your bubble guys.
If you think that God wrote the bible or it was a descendant of God whom he had write the bible you are dead wrong, some dude wrote the bible just like the harry potter books.
It is a simple way to control people, and to get there money. (lets tell people that if they sin they will go to hell, but if you are an angel you wil go to heaven) Don't forget to donate to the church as it will help pay for the priests mortgage and legal costs !
When do you see any of that money actually go to a good use !! The food is supplied free the daycare in churches are by volunteer, none of the choir gets paid..the utilities are donated on behalf of the city.
Where does the billions of dollars go every year that are collected on behalf of these churches ??
Ohh yeah thats right.. To the pedophile priests for there legal costs !!
Has anyone actually seen an angel or god?? Have you actually talked to him ?? Has he actually ever talked back or given you an answer in return.. I DOUBT IT !!
We are our own Gods, the life we choose to live is our heaven or hell.
Believe in yourself not some stupid fucking Book.
Next you guys are going to tell me some stupid shit like, "the Orcs from the lord of the rings book are real" !!
Come on guys give your heads a shake and stop smoking Crack. This is Roll-It-Up, Not Crack-Me-Up !!


Well-Known Member
I've proposed this to people before and never had a decent refutation. This seems like a fair crowd to put this forth.

In an infinte universe anything that is possible will occur. Basic statistics. Infinte group, infinite subsets. If from an infinite set off choices to describe the creation of the universe (which is an oxymoron in itself. "So what was it before it was the universe?") the theory that a being/entity/god sufficiently advanced as to be incomprehensible to homo (semi)sapien created all that we pecieve should be admitted as a possibility. In an infinite set all things that can be, are. The universe is infinate, god is a possibility;therefore, god exists... beyond this conclusion I'm as clueless as the rest.
Here's the problem with this: You are labeling god. There MIGHT be a force working beyond our comprehension, and it might be a so called god, but I agree with marijuana nation. Watch zeitgeist on youtube and it has some really strong points against the existence of god. If you say there are infinite possibilities, then you are also saying there is a such thing as a unicorn, or the orcs of LOTR that marijuananation was talking about. Ya follow?


Active Member
This is where we always get to. Whether or not anyone believes in GOD as such is irrelevant to the argument. What I said was that in an INFINITE universe (sorry but the word universe includes parallel dimensions. All inclusive) something exists that each of us would consider that being to perfectly fit our own personal definition of god. I also did not bring religious texts or who authored them into the argument because that is not germain to the point. I really have no more idea who started or controls organized religions than I understand nanotech. Reading Drexler is a quasi-religious experience but not at all what we are talking about. Personally I'm pagan so our definitions would likely be very different but in an infinate universe we must both be right. Ever read the story of the blind men examining an elephant? I've always thought that if they got together and compared notes they'd be alot closer to the truth. By this same logic fairies, cylons and H.A.L. must also exist somewhere, somewhen. Once you wrap your head around what infinate actually means you realize that everything must be. Pretty much no matter how likely, it must exist in an infinate variable set. The hard truth is EVERYONES RIGHT. Well, maybe not you...


Active Member
ok guys not u appleseed or sr. verde these fuck heads cant seem to get it through there skulls that god created everything he is all that ever was and all that ever will b and i should whoop yalls asses for that shit think of it this way nimrods what created everythin huh no it wasnt some magic spark in the sky sumthing had to have made this universe it didnt just pop outa nowhere like sum fucking freakshow it was god god is god he is everything because without him were would we be we would be nothing get it fuck heads nothin becuz if he didnt make this then what did huh thats write nothing could have because it was gods doing not science or carbon gases with dust igniting in a void of nothing to make a black infinate of nothing so if your going to talk shit i got a good book yall need to read a few times or maybe i can show u how god works god is kharma pretty much do bad things bad things happen(hell) do good things good things happen(heaven) get it right if u gonna post shit gtf outa her wit that shit guys use sum common sense god has to exsist if he dont than whats real aparently not ur posts


Well-Known Member
to marijuana nation. that theory of control is very common. And think about this, Christianity is not the only religion. Its not even a religion anymore, but control like you said. This is because the true words of the bible never made it, they were changed by pagans to better suit the needs of the rulers of the world...Lucipherian families that front as Jews or Christians in this world. I am Muslim, and we believe that there were hundreds of thousands of prophets, and since humans have been on the earth, they have all tried to convince people to not give money, but to pray and worship God, and follow the cleanliness of the body and the mind throughout your life. Now if you say that alcohol should not be forbidden, you know youre just being ignorant the shit kills soooooo many people a year. Muslim girls wear hijabs, and theyre ugly, but HAHAHA thats why they dont get raped like white girls. Protection my friend. As Muslims we are only entitled to pay money once a year, and you dont blindly through the money into a box or hat like Christians. We are obligated to know where we are sending our money, and it can only go to the poorest of the poor people, who truly deserve it. This is how my religion keeps everything in balance. We don't believe in humans being Gods, or God coming on the earth as a human. But we do believe there is a power that we have given a name. And in Islam we believe that he has a physical form, present in the 7th sky, or the 7th universe or whatever you want to translate into science like that. If you live Islam and not these pagan substitutions, you will absolutely learn that the world is so clear and not as miraculous as we make it seem. If God would talk to people everyday, then I guess we would all be perfect because we would have to worship him. No fuckin kid on this website could say shit, especially marijuananation, if God showed up, you would become one of those priests you so despise, but you wont. Youre gonna continue to live in sin, and then ask for forgiveness when its too late. BUt I'd rather adequately worship my God, and read all the sayings of the prophets, from Islamic literature because it doesnt get edited by others. They guide you through your life with everyday things. It keeps you healthy and clean, and thats something i would want to do even if religion didnt say it. You see? Im gonna live as long as you, youll drink 4 beers and ill pray 4 times. The next day, youre the same person and im the same person, but i can back myself up because I believed in something that I couldnt see, and thats wat God loves


Well-Known Member
oh and youngmoola, zeitgeist is actually teling you how christianity is pagan, not all the other religions. Christianity was pure until the Romans altered it, thats why you celebrate St. Valentines day, Halloween, Easter, Christmas, they're all pagan tradition and most of it has to do with astronomy, thats how you kno theyre ancient religions, but not legit. God's not a person in a ship controlling things and watching us on screens. We don't know what he is, because our brains do not have nearly as much power to comprehend what he could be. How do you know that somewhere else, there are no such as atoms or like einstein, no geometry, no time, nothing. if you believe that plants grow, and animals breathe air, and if you can see everything in this little world of ours, you have belief in God, you just dont know it yet.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the title to the thread. And i didn't read any statistical proof? Maybe I missed it. But I do believe in divinity. Things get infinitesmally (spelling?) smaller, like you can divide a number to infinity without ever reaching zero, so I believe in a Multiverse. That existance exponentially expands to infinity too. I'm not saying our "universe" is infitine though. Its unmeasureable and incomprehensible, but I think it ends somewhere, and that its just another piece to a bigger puzzle, which is just another piece to another even bigger puzzle, and infinitely so on.


Well-Known Member
Christianity was pure until the Romans altered it, thats why you celebrate St. Valentines day, Halloween, Easter, Christmas, they're all pagan tradition and most of it has to do with astronomy, thats how you kno theyre ancient religions, but not legit.
And when was christianity pure? It has forever been altered and warped for purposes of gaining power. And from the get-go it had pagan traditions copy and pasted in a new format with a different face. How are the ancient religions not legit? So ur saying Christianity IS legit, even with its convoluted and skeptical track record? Everything else you said was legitimate enough, except what I quoted. When are people going to wake up, stop being led like mules, in fear, using religion as an excuse for actions?


Active Member
Intelligent design. Is all I have to say.

And cyborg, we are all prophets. Each of us are a pupil and a teacher.

This is just for everyone, on a clear clear night, go out somewhere, far from lights or towns, and look up. Examine the depth. I always look at the stars for answers, and smoke one. And I am one with "God".


Active Member
Once again I apologize to the world for apparently communicating badly. Every time I try to raise this question it turns into a religious debate. This question in no way involves religion to me. Allow me to rephrase. True or false. In an infinite set all possible subset will eventually be represented.
True or false. Time and space are infinite. Anything our puny little heads can concoct therefore must (will) exist(ed). What are the odds that a flipped penny will land at a 45 degree angle to a surface and stay that way? It depends on where you are. Take gravity out of the equation and it becomes as likely as any other outcome.
Hmmm. Last try at a rephrase. What can not exist in an infinite set? I've just been asking around for the last couple decades and it seems that no one is able or willing to explain to me why anything is impossible. Perhaps it is not something I/we can do or concieve but why is anything impossible when time space is infinate? As near I can figure this is simple logic that tells me that all things do exist. Not necessarily in my perception but nothing can NOT exist.


Well-Known Member
hey drumbum Christianity was pure when it was actually communicated through Jesus to his people, but they were not powerful enough to carry it too far. It lasted not even long enough for its richteous form to be worshipped by a city of people. The real Jesus though not the white dude who claimed he was a god lol


With all the unexpected good things that are happening to me right now despite of my ill thoughts - I BELIEVE THAT THERE IS GOD.


Active Member
I would like to believe in intelligent design. But I'm too rational of a person.

I don't deny the possibility that god or gods exist, but I'm more interested that most of the time people perceive God or gods as anthropomorphic with human-like features. In such a VAST and strange universe, if god(s) exists, then said being(s) are probably something far different than we expect. Why would said being(s) be interested in a masochistic, self-destructive, animal species such as ourselves, on a tiny planet, orbiting a tiny star, in our island of a galaxy out of the billions of others? That's always been a piece of logic that I can't get around when it comes to religion.


God does not exist, he was simply a creation made up for people to have something to believe in also a control tactic !!
Sorry to burst your bubble guys.
If you think that God wrote the bible or it was a descendant of God whom he had write the bible you are dead wrong, some dude wrote the bible just like the harry potter books.
It is a simple way to control people, and to get there money. (lets tell people that if they sin they will go to hell, but if you are an angel you wil go to heaven) Don't forget to donate to the church as it will help pay for the priests mortgage and legal costs !
When do you see any of that money actually go to a good use !! The food is supplied free the daycare in churches are by volunteer, none of the choir gets paid..the utilities are donated on behalf of the city.
Where does the billions of dollars go every year that are collected on behalf of these churches ??
Ohh yeah thats right.. To the pedophile priests for there legal costs !!
Has anyone actually seen an angel or god?? Have you actually talked to him ?? Has he actually ever talked back or given you an answer in return.. I DOUBT IT !!
We are our own Gods, the life we choose to live is our heaven or hell.
Believe in yourself not some stupid fucking Book.
Next you guys are going to tell me some stupid shit like, "the Orcs from the lord of the rings book are real" !!
Come on guys give your heads a shake and stop smoking Crack. This is Roll-It-Up, Not Crack-Me-Up !!


In an infinte universe anything that is possible will occur. Basic statistics. Infinte group, infinite subsets. If from an infinite set off choices to describe the creation of the universe (which is an oxymoron in itself. "So what was it before it was the universe?") the theory that a being/entity/god sufficiently advanced as to be incomprehensible to homo (semi)sapien created all that we pecieve should be admitted as a possibility. In an infinite set all things that can be, are. The universe is infinate, god is a possibility;therefore, god exists... beyond this conclusion I'm as clueless as the rest.
The entire thing fails with the first premise. The universe is not infinite. I think someone else mentioned it, if you incorporate other universes (that might exist, which we can't measure, which means it is irrelevant) the premise holds, but not for our single universe.

ok guys not u appleseed or sr. verde these fuck heads cant seem to get it through there skulls that god created everything he is all that ever was and all that ever will b and i should whoop yalls asses for that shit think of it this way nimrods what created everythin huh no it wasnt some magic spark in the sky sumthing had to have made this universe it didnt just pop outa nowhere like sum fucking freakshow it was god god is god he is everything because without him were would we be we would be nothing get it fuck heads nothin becuz if he didnt make this then what did huh thats write nothing could have because it was gods doing not science or carbon gases with dust igniting in a void of nothing to make a black infinate of nothing so if your going to talk shit i got a good book yall need to read a few times or maybe i can show u how god works god is kharma pretty much do bad things bad things happen(hell) do good things good things happen(heaven) get it right if u gonna post shit gtf outa her wit that shit guys use sum common sense god has to exsist if he dont than whats real aparently not ur posts
Goddamn this is ignorant. Honestly, go educate yourself, I hope you grow up soon.


to marijuana nation. that theory of control is very common. And think about this, Christianity is not the only religion. Its not even a religion anymore, but control like you said. This is because the true words of the bible never made it, they were changed by pagans to better suit the needs of the rulers of the world...Lucipherian families that front as Jews or Christians in this world. I am Muslim, and we believe that there were hundreds of thousands of prophets, and since humans have been on the earth, they have all tried to convince people to not give money, but to pray and worship God, and follow the cleanliness of the body and the mind throughout your life. Now if you say that alcohol should not be forbidden, you know youre just being ignorant the shit kills soooooo many people a year. Muslim girls wear hijabs, and theyre ugly, but HAHAHA thats why they dont get raped like white girls. Protection my friend. As Muslims we are only entitled to pay money once a year, and you dont blindly through the money into a box or hat like Christians. We are obligated to know where we are sending our money, and it can only go to the poorest of the poor people, who truly deserve it. This is how my religion keeps everything in balance. We don't believe in humans being Gods, or God coming on the earth as a human. But we do believe there is a power that we have given a name. And in Islam we believe that he has a physical form, present in the 7th sky, or the 7th universe or whatever you want to translate into science like that. If you live Islam and not these pagan substitutions, you will absolutely learn that the world is so clear and not as miraculous as we make it seem. If God would talk to people everyday, then I guess we would all be perfect because we would have to worship him. No fuckin kid on this website could say shit, especially marijuananation, if God showed up, you would become one of those priests you so despise, but you wont. Youre gonna continue to live in sin, and then ask for forgiveness when its too late. BUt I'd rather adequately worship my God, and read all the sayings of the prophets, from Islamic literature because it doesnt get edited by others. They guide you through your life with everyday things. It keeps you healthy and clean, and thats something i would want to do even if religion didnt say it. You see? Im gonna live as long as you, youll drink 4 beers and ill pray 4 times. The next day, youre the same person and im the same person, but i can back myself up because I believed in something that I couldnt see, and thats wat God loves
Every religious person has some sort of justification for their own personal religion. All of them are equally as wrong and dangerous to mankind. Like it was said before, same face, different mask. All of them preach violence, hatred, murder, genocide, rape, pillage, infanticide against their enemies or those who don't believe.

God loves ignorance huh? That answers a lot...


Caps, horrible spelling and grammar, personal attacks... you couldn't be a fundie, could you?