States granting medical Marijuana for Bipolar Disorder

I'm new to this site. I started a thread recently. It wasn't very obvious what I was asking, so I decided to start this one. Is anyone aware of any other state besides California that allows the use of medical marijuana for bipolar disorder? I haven't seen any state, even California, that specifically states bipolar disorder as a condition for use. They do, however, leave room for other conditions. Any insight to this is greatly appreciated :peace: :joint:
I've done that. The state tab tells you the laws as is, which leaves room for the potential to be perscribed. I went through about 10 pages on google checking out the sites and nothing seemed to answer this for me. If you have better luck, please, let me know. I've been constantly researching this for the past week. Part of the reason why I've been researching so much is because I'm in mania right now. I know some meditative techniques that allows me to disassociate myself from the racing thoughts so I can think clearly (gets the better of me only in small increments). The biggest problem is it's not doing anything for my body. I feel centered while my body is freaking out. And after so long, usually about 23 hours of being awake, I start to see a drop in awareness, lack of clarity, and a hard time concentrating.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain. Trying to see if COlorado does the same thing. My disorder is a bit more complex than your bad cases of bipolar, i suffer from acute anxiety, acute hypertension, as well as insomnia and nausea. I would like to think that it could work, and am in the process of finding a doctor to sign off my papers, send em in and see if the state accepts my case.... Acute hypertension is super painful to, it feel like someone is trying to rip all of ur muscles out of your body at once.