Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
It's interesting how this administration tries to paint Iran as (literally) "the world's greatest sponsor of terrorism", while attempting to defend Saudi Arabia (literally) the world's greatest sponsor of terrorism. Iran is a population of largely secular Shiite Muslims, Saudi Arabia is a population of fundamentalist Sunni Muslims who practice salafism and wahhabism. 15 of the 19 hijackers responsible for carrying out 9/11 were Saudi. OBL and his network were Saudi.
Anyone that believes the Trump administrations bullshit in regards to the Middle East is ignorant
I appreciate your sentiment, but I'd amend your post. The U.S. A. (a shell for fiat money bankers) is the biggest sponsor of terrorism,. One of the things that evidence this is the military occupation / control over most of the world.
Without fiat money, the military industrial complex would not exist as it does.