State Trooper let me go

Yea, my neighbor is the chief of police where I live. I have PTSD from my time in the Army, he's a veteran too, but never saw combat. He knows I grow. He knows I use it for my PTSD. He even told me once that needed to replaced my filtervcause he could smell it across the street.

Not all cops are bad. Some are awesome.
I figure that ultimately it would depend on who exactly pulls you over, and on top of that if their shift is about to end, haha! It's nice that although he was very aware you were in possession of Cannabis that he let you go anyways, perhaps he was just having a really good day, eh? bongsmilie
So today I had a crazy experience that I thought I'd share with you guys about this nice state cop. I live in a state where marijuana is 100 percent illegal as well.

So, my girlfriend was speeding home with me as the passenger (she had to take a piss bad). I warned her to slow it down since I was carrying 5gs of weed in my pocket wrapped in 5 bags. Get pulled over, act really calm and respectful. The officer pulls us over and approaches the car, talks to us for a bit then points at me and says "I know you have cannabis on you, now you two listen carefully, I just want to know if your sober and okay to drive." Cop then checks our eyes then warns my girlfriend about speeding. The last thing he said to us was "You're lucky you guys aren't high".

I never actually admitted I had it on me but he obviously knew because the smell was so strong. So what gives? Is this a rare occurrence or was it the fact my girlfriend is hot as fuck and we were polite? Anyone else have similar stories?
I knew this cop once and he told me how it works(with exceptions of course) for some cops. The rookies are really sticklers to the law and will write people up or arrest them for any violation of the law no matter how small. The veteran officers are more lenient and use discretion of who is truly being disruptive to the public. It comes with time and experience. Causing problems(intent) if you will, that could endanger other innocent bystanders is a real violation. So the rookie would have busted you simply because you were breaking the law. Yet the veteran saw you really didn't have the intent of doing anything terribly wrong except speeding which perhaps was dangerous to other drivers respecting the speed limits. So you had a little pot. I mean, let's face it, even in an illegal climate weed is pretty much all around. People have been and will continue to smoke weed. I personally do not drive high. I feel it impairs my judgement and I am easily distracted so I just don't do it. Even tho I am a veteran smoker my weed gets me blasted so I do it at home where I can enjoy it the most in a quiet peaceful enviro. So the cop used his discretion and let you go. I would say he's probably experienced and uses his best judgement as to whether it is necessary to flood the system with menial violations. There are a lot of truly good cops out there that have my respect. That guy is probably one of them based on your story. Your experience, maybe it is uncommon but, in the past I have learned that if you show them respect and listen to them without rebuttal you increase the odds of a cop using his discretion. They have let me go a couple of times. Peace and love lives.
Sometimes you get lucky.

I was stopped speeding a few months back... he apparently clocked me at 102mph (164kph) on the motorway as I was on my way to work and running late due to an accident I'd got caught behind. Over 100mph here is supposed to get you disqualification from driving as a minimum. I got let off with just a telling off. No fine, no points, no court... nothing.
is kinda like

i was going 115-120mph on the 130 in atx
speed limit 85, he writes that down and its a pretty gnarly ticket at best. and a felony
so i got a warning, im respectful dont look like im really doin wrong. blah blah

same cop would have probably given me a ticket if i was doing 95 guaranteed
i've had state cops let me go for speeding, driving without license, bad registration, dui, driving on the revoke......i always start off showing the utmost respect and they usually follow suit. pulling over and waiting for him to catch up was a life saver more then once. i'll take a state cop over a local yokel any day.
i got a class a too so sometimes they like fuckin with me.. its a gamble, state fuckers, what county..
i know a lot of coppers though, actually baby momma is. i like travis and wilco, but alot hate Williamson
I don't know because I never ride dirty. I've been been pulled over for speeding several times but I'm wise enough not to carry anything on me. Some people don't care to ride dirty and that's all good for them but I wouldn't do it.