starving nitrogen last weeks of flowering

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
been wondering why most of the ready to harvest plants ive seen have most of their leaves yellowing or dieing, ive heard its because starving them of nitrogen the last couple weeks is good for them. is this true? if so what does it do? if you havent personally experimented with this please dont comment.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The nutrients for flowering have less nitrogen and as the plants reaches the end of the cycle it starts using up the nitrogen stored in the fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
in the end i am trying to grow buds not leaves. i want the plant to put all of its energy into swelling those buds, popping out trichomes and resin production.


Well-Known Member
Well this has been covered over and over again. And its not advanced growing. Its the basics, growing a healthy plant start too finish. A little research goes along ways. If your to lazy to read it yourself then why should anyone take the time to explain it too you?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
because i figured there was someone out there kind enough to give out their knowledge free of cost... something any good natured person would do

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
because i personally go out of my way to help people here in this community without expecting anything in return. if your not going to be helpful then get the fuck out man. i looked and i couldnt find it. shit man im like you i smoke weed and i have better more exciting things to do than read through another forum when there are people here that have the knowledge to give me a straight up answer, unlike you.

thank you everyone else for your straight up answer from your own personal experience

you read it start to finish.... dick


Well-Known Member
Just because your giving the plant more nitrogen and keeping those leaves green doesnt mean your putting any less production on the buds. If anything your giving your buds much more! Your leaves should stay nice a green until about 3-4 days before harvest. In those last days the leaves will begin to curl and change color, and your hairs will recede into the bud and popcorn out. She is ready! Flush in the last 3-4 days imo. or no flush ;). Try it, Ive gotten no crackle and great tasting harsh free bud no flush at all with the correct dry/cure.


Well-Known Member
Just because your giving the plant more nitrogen and keeping those leaves green doesnt mean your putting any less production on the buds. If anything your giving your buds much more! Your leaves should stay nice a green until about 3-4 days before harvest. In those last days the leaves will begin to curl and change color, and your hairs will recede into the bud and popcorn out. She is ready! Flush in the last 3-4 days imo. or no flush ;). Try it, Ive gotten no crackle and great tasting harsh free bud no flush at all with the correct dry/cure.
Yep. All of the fan leaves are still acting as solar panels feeding the plant energy. The more of those your plants loses. The more your yield will suffer......and keep them on after harvest while doing the initial dry. Still lots of things going on inside the plant and they have things to offer. Plus it helps slow the drying process. Helping to allow fermentation to occur. In a nutshell that is........:hump:


Well-Known Member
because i figured there was someone out there kind enough to give out their knowledge free of cost... something any good natured person would do
You're confusing the sharing of knowledge and experience, which most are happy to do, and basic research, which is your responsibility. The link CBL provided had the answer on the very first page.

My nutes are a part of my soil, so they get fed all the way to chop.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
than you beesknees, i also was very confused. was wondering why everyone's pics of their ready to harvest plant had mostly dead leaves, maybe they are all just over or under feeding. thank you very much for being cool about this bro, share on man.