starting to it normal for leaves to thin out?


Well-Known Member
Hi all - This is my first grow and I ended up with (so far) 4 females, all outdoors - I'd post in Outdoor, but this is a general question.

Since starting to flower, it seems like the leaves have been thinning out - either that or the branches have gotten longer between the leaf sets. Does that make sense and is it normal? I'm hoping it's just the plant's way of making room for lovely buds. :)

This is one of those things that I didn't see in the GROW FAQ and since I have no experience, I'm askin'!

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
As long as its healthy, don't worry..outside here has my plants stretched this year... leaves can get smaller at top too... plant energy is in flower production..not leaf... grow away man... Luck


Well-Known Member
As long as its healthy, don't worry..outside here has my plants stretched this year... leaves can get smaller at top too... plant energy is in flower production..not leaf... grow away man... Luck
Thanks, Twisty - you always give good straight forward advice.



Well-Known Member
It happens maybe a shot of some ferts would help. Mine have done that before too. Not a big deal, but I would give them some food if you havent already. I would like to see some pics if you got them?


Well-Known Member
As long as its healthy, don't worry..outside here has my plants stretched this year... leaves can get smaller at top too... plant energy is in flower production..not leaf... grow away man... Luck

On top of this good advise, also remember the more sativa parentage in the plant the more it is going to stretch in flower, not necessarily a bad thing.Every strain is different.