starting to be a problem now


Active Member
single bucket dwc

so my ph is still dropping quickly and plant is now starting to look un happy

last night i topped up my res and ph it to 6. plant drank half a gallon or water over night and my ph dropped to 5.4. i normally see ph go up when plant drinks so much. going down isnt normal for me

i know what root problems look and smell like and i am not seeing any root problems

same thing was happening to my plant in flower but i filled her. now i am seeing it with my veg plant

i stopped using cal mag recently and i suspect its that but i also use tap water so i think cal mag is not needed for me as a buffer. am i wrong about thinking that and should i still add some as a buffer

my tap already run 200 ppm so i cut out cal mag so i can add more base nutes as i could only run quarter strength base with my tap + 150 ppm of cal mag. my plant burn at anything over 600ppm . sorry i use ppm not ec. oh sometimes i add a bit of Epsom salts but that hasn't help green her up this time

she starting to look yellow on the new growth not that lime green new growth look also getting some red stems again

i average 50-55% humidity with 80f so that should be ok enough

i am doing a fresh res change today and im wondering if i should go back to adding cal mag and run less base again

i have done many grows using my tap water so it not the problem although its not ideal

