starting seeds


Well-Known Member
ok soo i germinated some seed i got and just have a couple questions

1 WHEN: when do i plant my seeds they have begun 2 crack open and i can c white inside do

2 UPSIDE DOWN: i heard once that when u plant a seed that u plant it with the (TAIL?) up 2 make better roots and stalk

3 HOW LOW DO I GO: how deep do i want 2 plant the seeds

4 HOUSING: i have starter kits (BLACK BOTTOM CLEAR DOME LID) do i use them and if so do i close it up tight or do i just rest the lid on top so air can still get in

5 IM THIRSTY: how wet do i keep my medium and how long b4 i can let medium dry up a bit

6 MOMMY: how long should i let them grow b4 i take cipings for sexing


Well-Known Member
I suggest you go to the upper left hand corner of any page where it says Growfaq. All of your questions are answered in its sections, plus a lot of other info you'll need as things progress. Also there is a search button that will help with finding answers as well. GL HH