Starting seeds in rockwool. What am I doing wrong?

Yeah his setup is a bit too much bud for me, haha. I'm in the process of doing a harvest every month. I'm fresh to growing so it'll be about a year before its running smoothly I estimate. Right now i'm trying different strains out to see which one I like the best for soging.

So I just got back from checking out my plants. One of my plants has the ends of their leaves wilted but not fully just at the end and this whiteish greyish color where its wilted. The new leaf growth is forming atop this set of leaves is green, so not too worried about that one, probably from the nutes I gave it.

Another has that same greyish/white patch but on this plant its where the new leaf growth is coming in over the first set of leaves. I'm wondering if all new growth is ended on this one, i'd hope not.

Took pictures but left camera at the place. I'll be back tommorow with photos.

Lesson learned I guess, touche plants, touche.
no need for nutes but not saying your wrong by doing so.. you will be fine with just the right ph with plain water.. i just throw them in a cup of water and when they all have there tail i stick them in the rwool and leave them under two little t5s for a few weeks till there roots are all over and plants are already showing branching than to the real lights .. c my way is kind of mean because i dont feed them and water only a bottle of water maybe everyother day so when they get there fix they just eat like no tomrow and it works perectly and also i have a 1 by 2 little cabinet where they stay in and it saves room in my main room for everything else .. goodluck homi
Do you have to "snug" the seed (if germinating in the RW) or germinated seed in the RW hole or just leave it be? Also the depth of the hole is not an issue, seems kinda deep but I don't know so I defer to you guys. Oh by "snug" I mean compress it slightly in the RW.
and dobby you want to place you seed with the pointed side down or the root sprout down. You want to place down at the same height as the seed, should be about 1/4 in deep...Cover the hole at the top (kind of like soil) Put under lights and wait a couple days and the sprout should poke its way through.
Great just what I wanted to know bcurwi1, I've done many searches on this and finally have my answer. Thanks!
3 out of the 5 have roots at the bottom of rockwool. Imma try and take better photos today of one of my sad plants. 3 look great sprouting off 2nd set. First set is huge. The other 2 look sad. One won't put put new leaves and the others first set is shriveled and grey but the new set is green and healthy looking.

The one that won't sprout new leaves has its root coming out the bottom so clearly its still living and putting out new roots. The center of it where new growth should be happening is whitish and I think that's why its not putting out new leaves
All of them have set roots now.

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This is the one that won't form any new leaf growth. You can see the middle, where new growth would start is kind of white/grey
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This is the one with grey shirveled/burned on the first set but its new growth coming in is green and healthy looking, He accidently got knocked over and is limp because of it, i'm hoping for a karate kid and put a splint keeping it up.

These are the other 3, that look good.

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Last 2 are very tall. They were planted a week after the one that won't grow new growth and the short one in the above 3 pictures. The 2 tall ones in this set of 3 above and the bent one were planted a week after and are tallest.

My theory proposed by this is that soaking the cubes in a nuted solution helped root growth, haha. Im not going to chance it again though, i've learned my lesson. Maybe an experiment down the line on some same bag, bag seeds.

The 2 short ones had nute water added about a week after when I got the other 3 ready to soak. I believe this shocked them and stunted their growth where in the other scenario it was there to begin with so it didn't stunt it, just gave one some ugly burns.

Group photo to show height difference
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