Starting seeds in Burpee seed starter greenhouse kit?


Well-Known Member
The taproots on the diesel berry autos were larger than the skunk was. The skunk had barely split and I could just see it coming out. They looked like they were coming from underneath and swinging upwards. At least I know something is going on with them and I'm not wasting my time. Thanks for the tips man!


Well-Known Member
Two of my diesel berry broke the surface today with one leave.. They had the broken seed still slightly attached so I gently took it off. The other berry is not doing as good so I took a scalpel and sliced the edged of the seed where the tap root was trying to split but was having trouble. It seemed to work.. I planted it back in the soil tap root side down. I decided to give them a little light and had them under for a few hours with the dome off. It seems to speed them up a bit.. The skunk seed and the bag seed were not doing so good. The skunk had barely stated to show a tap so I decided to try the paper towel germination with both of those in a plastic bag for a bit and see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
My seeds have broken through the soil medium they have stopped growing and are not standing up and the two round levels have just a little separation. Keeping them in the greenhouse dome on the heat source isn't making them any better and I have been trying to put them under my cheap grow lights(120w grow bulbs I got for like$10 each at Home Depot). Oh I have 2 lights.. I was just planning on using them to start the plants and transfer them into pots in organic potting soil and putting them outside when they were large and strong enough. I don't know what I should do to get the to grow before they die!?!? Should I let the soil dry more and take the dome off and leave on heat source, leave dome on or just put em under the lights and if so should I use both lights and how far for these seedlings should they be? I don't want to scorch them.. I did have a small fan trying to keep the temp from getting too high under the lights. I just need some experienced advice fast? Help!:neutral:


Well-Known Member
I know that since they have broken the soil they should be under light. What kind of bulbs did you get? CFLs? take a picture of them too so i can see which ones you have. i know cfls quite well and know which ones can be close and which one have to stay a few inches back. with CFL's it's best to try to keep them from being ON TOP of the plant. because when they grow up, they will grow into the bulb while you are not home and start to burn everything.


Well-Known Member
once you get some pictures of them seedlings i'll be able to help, if there is still a problem. be sure that everything is properly pH'd also...soil_prop_chemistry_pH.jpg


Well-Known Member
They are cheap bulbs that are shaped like a flood light and fit in a regular lamp bulb input. I got them at Home Depot and the build is a blueish color, it said they were for growing plants. I figured since I just needed to use them to start the seedlings until they were large enough to be transplanted into soil/ pots outside that these bulbs would be ok.. I started with 4 viable seeds, 2 have sprouted and 1 is decent shape looks wise.. It is about an inch and a half tall and the second set of leaves are developing. The other one is a little smaller and the second set of leaves are still very small. But it seems like both of them should be growing faster that they are.. ESP compared to the other seedlings I'm growing( vegetables). I have a feeling that they need to get a little larger before I can transplant them into a nice organic soil mix? I kinda think they will grow once I get them in good soil and out of those seed stater pellets. They are growing though! I was away for a couple days and I noticed growth. I need to make sure these seedlings make.. There both Diesel Berry Auto fem and this is my first grow attempt!

I was going to get the soil and pots tuesday so I can get ready to transfer them over. It's just so chilly here still in RI that I don't want to put them outdoors until it warm up more.


Well-Known Member
it's warm enough in direct sunlight. you can do a half and half thing with outside and inside until the night temp is good enough for you


Well-Known Member
There are 2 seedlings now.. 1 is in better shape than the other. I transferred them from the burpee cubes to these pots with fox farms potting soil. You can see the seedling that isn't doing as well in a couple of the pics and I also have pics of the cheap lights I got at Home Depot. The lights don't seem to help much if at all with growth. Only when it's been nice outside and I can put them outside they respond. I'm not sure if the smaller seedling is going to survive.. Unlike the other it has not grown much since I put them in the pots on Tuesday.