starting seeds directly outside?....

ok so I have found an awesome place to grow and now that im about to start im afraid there going to die on me. I plan on starting them with paper towel germination then in a humidity dome until they sprout but then they have to go out. I CAN'T grow them inside at all. So my question is....Will they die when there just little babies out in the wild. Im afraid if it rains it will snap their main stem. Is thier anything I can do to protect them besides letting them get big before putting them outside?


Well-Known Member
put a cut in half 2 ltr bottle over the top of them for the first week or so.
if your worried about them bending and snapping put a steak up next to it and gently tie the plant to it
wow quick replies thanks........also I have three types of nutrients and i need to know if their for veg or flowering cycle ......i have a 16-8-8 a 30-10-10 and a 20-20-20...


I currently have 3 plants growing in the woods and all 3 of them were planted directly into there 2.5 gallon pots from seed(did not germinate) about an inch and a half below the surface of my soil. They sprouted within 3-4 days, now there 3 weeks old and about a foot tall and very strong. Sometimes I get heavy winds where I'm located but all 3 seem fine. In my opinion you should be fine if you germinate them inside and plant outside. Make sure you have something to keep the insects/animals away and you'll be good man. The theory that they grow based on the elements seems to be true in my case. Good luck man!