Starting Poppies


Well-Known Member
So fast forward one year. I sowed those seeds in April after the snow melted and they came up in May. Here is what I am left with. :)

I'm counting 20-30 heads so far. They only stay in bloom for a few days. The petals fell off that one yesterday. There are a bunch more that are cracking and in a few days I think I will have quite a few flowers in bloom. Got some much needed rain last night.



Well-Known Member
This one was taken about 2 weeks ago when they were close to at their peak of blooming.

Anyone else growing any poppies this year?



Well-Known Member
Gorgeous. None this year but next year I want to do something with the flower beds in the front and on the side of my house. Just gotta figure out how to harvest them without being suspicious when it's time.


Well-Known Member
Looks great, if you dont mind me asking, about how much do you expect to yield? Also, do you prefer to milk or just harvest and dry the pods then just extract them with ISO or whatever..I got some in a pot that are just sprouting now, don't expect much, but next year plan to do somthin like u got goin on


Well-Known Member
I live in a residential area so I don't think milking them would be wise. Even harvesting, like the Duck said, might cause suspicion. I was able to cut about 20 or so pods off so far without things looking much different, but when it come time to cut them all, which I believe is soon, I am probably just going to chop the pods with just a few inches of stem and just rip everything up and turn it into the soil.

I planted 3 types. The persian white seeds were white and the other two were grayish black like normal poppy seeds. I cut a few of the biggest pods open after they dried for seeds for next year, and 2 of the pods yielded red seeds. Strange.


I'm wondering if it is too late to throw out some poppy seeds in the NE for a fall harvest? I have all my root vegetables up for the year, so I'm left with a lot of empty space in my garden. I feel like there is plenty of grow season left, but my understanding is that poppy seeds don't like high temperatures for germination.
Plant them in the winter, before snow and i think they will pop in spring, that's what i've read.
Or you can plant them very early spring, just when things thaw.


Well-Known Member
We need 2cimdma to log on. he's the man for anything poppy or opiate related. on this site at least. I don't do much research on that. When you buy an oc 80 you don't need to haha


Well-Known Member
It's more of a novelty than anything. I have a vegetable garden every year and wanted to give poppies a try. I really don't expect to get much out of them. I have a lower back problem which I take prescription opiates from time to time. I have a pretty high tolerance. I've been dabbling for over 10 years. Probably going to harvest them all whole, dry them, and put them away for a rainy day. I'm figuring I would need at least 10 medium to large pods for me to even feel much.


Well-Known Member
Bleh, using opiates for real pain has always been an excuse to get high IMO. If you have an actual tolerance or pain, it won't do shit except get you high enough to not give a shit about your pain at the right dosage.... or just forget about the pain altogether, due to being high. Growing poppies is really interesting though, and definitely a novelty type thing for someone like me....I would have to grow a few acres to get a weeks worth though. lol. I'd rather leave it up to the 3rd worlders (no offense =P).


Well-Known Member
Bleh, using opiates for real pain has always been an excuse to get high IMO. If you have an actual tolerance or pain, it won't do shit except get you high enough to not give a shit about your pain at the right dosage.... or just forget about the pain altogether, due to being high. Growing poppies is really interesting though, and definitely a novelty type thing for someone like me....I would have to grow a few acres to get a weeks worth though. lol. I'd rather leave it up to the 3rd worlders (no offense =P).
You don't know me or anything about what I've been through. I've been in your position once and thought the same way. I hope you never get to the point where you actually have to take prescription opiates to go to work and function. And no, not out of withrawal. I have the most horrible sciatica and when that bitch flares up I'm either eating pills like tic taks or I'm not getting out of bed for a week or so. Luckily that only happens a couple times a year, but what worries me is that the intervals keep getting closer and closer together. The point I was trying to make is that your tolerance never truly goes back down to baseline. I've gone 3 years without taking an opiate and after that I thought I would be back to where I was when I was 17 and using opiates the first time. It doesn't. Yes, it goes WAY down, but never back to baseline. And, you are back to your old tolerance in a matter of days. Like I said, I've been using opiates on and off for well over 10 years. I've done things so horrible I could never admit to here and have been to places so dark I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Want to here the fucked up part? If I could go back and re-live my late teens and early/mid 20's, I'd probably do it all over again.


Well-Known Member
Between yesterday and today I harvested all my remaining pods. Got well over 100 pods from a 10 sq ft area. Much more than I had anticipated. A majority, however, I'd say would fall in the small to medium size range. I'd say 20 or so are what I would call large, and maybe 15-20 are what I'd consider jumbo. All and all, I am more than satisfied even considering the sizes. I think if I would have thinned them out more I would have had more mosters, but naturally I would have a lot less total pods.

What do you guys think when it comes to saving seeds for next year? So far I've only been saving the seeds from the largest of the pods, which so far have all been Persian Whites. I'd like to put away as much seeds as possible, so I guess what I am asking is if it is worth harvesting seeds from some of the smaller pods? After all, I have no real way of knowing whether some of the smaller pods were small because of poor genetics, or if it was due to the overcrowding.


Well-Known Member
You don't know me or anything about what I've been through. I've been in your position once and thought the same way. I hope you never get to the point where you actually have to take prescription opiates to go to work and function. And no, not out of withrawal. I have the most horrible sciatica and when that bitch flares up I'm either eating pills like tic taks or I'm not getting out of bed for a week or so. Luckily that only happens a couple times a year, but what worries me is that the intervals keep getting closer and closer together. The point I was trying to make is that your tolerance never truly goes back down to baseline. I've gone 3 years without taking an opiate and after that I thought I would be back to where I was when I was 17 and using opiates the first time. It doesn't. Yes, it goes WAY down, but never back to baseline. And, you are back to your old tolerance in a matter of days. Like I said, I've been using opiates on and off for well over 10 years. I've done things so horrible I could never admit to here and have been to places so dark I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Want to here the fucked up part? If I could go back and re-live my late teens and early/mid 20's, I'd probably do it all over again.
the man is correct, I nursed my opiate hobby for nearly 20 years, careful as could be. Had jars of norcos, vials of shakers, you name it, and I always spaced my dose, never raised it, never indulged too much - and then came fentanyl, and opana and dilaudid, all in a row, now, half a year later, ten or twenty mg of hydro and a soma gives me nothing but an hour long nice warm blanket where they used to last most of a day. You can't go back it seems, and I don't have enough time left on this earth to wait 10 or 20 years just to see if I can.


Well-Known Member
Also... Just to be clear... I only intend to grow this plant because I hate pharmies and would rather burn some organic, home grown opiates than pop a fucking pill if I happen to get mauled by a bear while tromping around in the woods.