starting point


Active Member
well fellow readers its been 3 weeks and nothing,yet . since ive forgotten about these and just tonight put five seeds in paper towel method. 2 are feminized. my first hope they pop,3 are regular. so far 3 days has been the magic #, if they havent pop then they probably wont but will see.have tons of ?s but for now here just one???how soon after they sprout can i add veg ferts???


well fellow readers its been 3 weeks and nothing,yet . since ive forgotten about these and just tonight put five seeds in paper towel method. 2 are feminized. my first hope they pop,3 are regular. so far 3 days has been the magic #, if they havent pop then they probably wont but will see.have tons of ?s but for now here just one???how soon after they sprout can i add veg ferts???
Some people prefer to wait until leaves to turn yellow, but a good safe bet is after it has three pairs of true leaves not including the cotyledon.


Well-Known Member
i agree 2 to 3 weeks, but as for the one that didnt pop don't throw them out because they me still pop up down the line. i thought the same thing an set the pot out side and a month later there was a plant. just two leaves but it started and i ook her in side and now she is beautiful


Active Member
im putting the 3 soil pellets on top of the refrigerator 4 now, my girl thinks im growing something else bcuz at the top of them there seem a very green shade. this is also why i went with towel this time after that straight into a small pot of ff ocean forest.lets give the pellets another day or so and ill post some pics


Well-Known Member
definitely don't throw out the one uncracked seed as it could still sprout (as mentioned previously); also, with respect to veg nutes and when to start using them, that might depend on what you're using for soil if you are planning on using soil. Two to three weeks sounds reasonable to me. Good luck on your fourth grow - practice practice practice!


Active Member
wow my first feminized Nepalese Dragon look at her. , (is she looking normal???)92kb&117kb :eyesmoke:pics 3 & 4 are morrocon gold REG. FYI im gonna be using Fox Farms ferts. not sure of the exact name of product yet, i'll post it later... :sad:theres still one more FND in the towel. well see what comes of it :?so far 2&1/2 out of 5 b'cuz pic 4 has a story: today i noticed it was just laying on top. it must of pushed itself all the way to the top. so i grabbed it and inserted back into the soil, the whole thing must be 1 or 2 inches. but it looked healthy . i spooned the soil own little "ICU- patient" COOL:fire:



Well-Known Member
the plants are coming up through the soil : that's great! :) what more could you ask for, at this point, in your grow?


Active Member
lets focus on my "icu"(first three pics)???should i be worried??? it seems like yellowing to me & the one curved is not straightining.what do you all think???:confused:pic 5 started off kind of yellow. i suspect the dirt,i had some mystery dirt.about 1/4 the pot .decided to use it thinking it might be male anyways. to balance it off i started it off on terracycle plant food. has anyone heard of it??? its not able to kill the plant & its got alot of worm cast. so ive heard or read.:joint:seems to be taking it well. hope u all enjoy the pics, even if thier mad young.



Active Member
pics 1-7 are 1 plant doing bad i think its zinc problem but i cant find how to fix it.(still searching)pics 8-12 is another plant and it also has the same problem i think:sad:.they are indoors under 400w,ive been watering every2 -3 days,since the pots are small(cups rather).as you can see the ones in the gray pots are the feminized all in the same place yet doin much better i dont water those so much.the temps are controlled by the fan blowing on them on and off plus humidefier to further control the temps& as you can see i must be doin something right(pic 16or second to last)ohh and by the way i got careless and my cat got to some of the leaves dam. ???can you tell???:wall:



Well-Known Member
u should have not dropped your seedlings into nuted soil, that was a bad start...but the bottom leaves turn yellow and die naturally..the first set of single fan leaves are suppose to die...the second set of leaves which are 3 finger fan leaves might die if its not the most optimum condition for growing.


Active Member
just added some epsom salt mixture. just take a look :!::!::!: ask???



Active Member
JUST COMMENT ON WHAT U THINK OF MY BABY GIRLS!!!:lol:Check out the exotic colors on pic 17!!! shes MORROCON GOLD !!! the list: 2 gray pots+Nepalese Dragon Feminized/ sum R Morroccon Gold + the rest are random seeds.



Active Member
looks like i waited too long to take a pic , the hues are now dimmed by some wite fuzz .but. I guess thats a good thing right???plz feel free to comment!!!2 weeks old flowering on 02/03/10



Active Member
theres something like a bubble on one what is it its not water and it taste sugary i promise i didnt put it. u can quickly tell which one has the bubble,but its different angles so look closely!!! what do you think it is:?::?::bigjoint:



Active Member
hello everyone I've noticed im not getting many viewers dropping me some lines:confused:these are my week 7 (flowering) . AND IM starting to wonder how much more.
at this point im gonna give you all some data on my girls: the 2 shorter ones are nepalese dragon and I'm TALKING 50%sativa & 50% indica & 17% thc &for u all that pretty much know all there is to know she's an F1 Hybrid.(F.Y.I. i dont know what F1 Hybrid means, so if u happen to know please post your insight on what F1hybrid means)flowering time 8 weeks+the other 2 taller ones are moroccon gold : 100% indica & 18% thc& flowering time 7 weeks. thats the data but as you can see the taller ones & 1 of the shorter look NOT ready at all. so How Much Time do you all think i need???for pictures just look at the previous post.^^^(F.Y.I. i tried taking some fresh picks but the lights went out for 2nite)^^^ so i figured the last post has sum pretty fresh pics!!!^^^


Active Member
well ,since the time is near im assuming more frequent post is fine. so take a look !!!how many more weeks till for sure done??? any guesses???

