Starting plants under lights to move outdoors

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I hope someone can give me some direction here.

I completed my first grow recently indoors with femized autoflowering seeds. This seemed the most idiot-proof option for me.

The seedbank sent me 8 free seeds a strain called cheese-wreck, a cross between big buddah cheese and train wreck. They are not autoflowering.

I thought that I would start indoors in my cabinet and try them outdoors.

They are not feminized seeds. Is there any way that I can sex the plants before I move them outdoors? I'm going to grow in pots and would prefere to avoid the expense and effort of growing the male plants.

Maybe let the plants go at 20/4 until they are 6-8" tall, then go 12/12 to get them to show sex. They will start to veg again when you go back to more light won't they?



Well-Known Member
after about 2 months they should start growing pre flowers, you could put them at 12/12 if you would like(would show sex in a week or 2), but from most of what I have read it can decrease your yield by putting it into flower before it reaches maturity(preflowering/alternating nodes)or by putting it into flower and reverting to veg.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
OK, thanks for the info.

I still may do 12/12 for a while and then re-veg. I really don't want to haul all of that potting soil into the woods.

I wonder how much it would decrease the yield?


Active Member
OK, thanks for the info.

I still may do 12/12 for a while and then re-veg. I really don't want to haul all of that potting soil into the woods.

I wonder how much it would decrease the yield?

dont forget you could also hermie them. so i understand u not wanting males but sometimes thats part of growing pot right? lol.....heres an idea....when u got your seedlings up and out after 2 weeks pick out the biggest and fastest growing one. Thats a boy guaranteed. and then the next biggest and fastest growing one thats a boy too. female plants look weaker than males early on. lots of times have wee little health problems as well....serioisly man I am the pot whisperer. u can always spend money on femmed too....peace and i hope that helps


Well-Known Member
dont forget you could also hermie them. so i understand u not wanting males but sometimes thats part of growing pot right? lol.....heres an idea....when u got your seedlings up and out after 2 weeks pick out the biggest and fastest growing one. Thats a boy guaranteed. and then the next biggest and fastest growing one thats a boy too. female plants look weaker than males early on. lots of times have wee little health problems as well....serioisly man I am the pot whisperer. u can always spend money on femmed too....peace and i hope that helps

I have heard you can take a clone an flower it or rap a branch up in Black cloth an in a few weeks an just that branch will be flowering.


Well-Known Member
take a clone off each plant and let them grow until they have rooted into your medium then switch the lights to 12/12 for the clones only and see what sex they turn out. this will tell you what the mother plant is.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
Thanks to all for the information.

Like I said, these were free seeds so they may be crap anyway.

I'm mostly going to stick with the autoflowers indoors, but I figured I could do these free seeds outside "guerilla"

I guess I'll just do the extra work and haul them all into the woods.

Thanks again for the information, it was very helpfull.


Well-Known Member
ok, so im doing pretty much the same thing except you have genetics and im growing in a tree

i dont really have time to flower my plants for sex, so ill be making weekly to bi-weekly visits out to the grow space to check for preflowers.

im planning on using compost rich soil so i dont need to worry about weekly feedings and im trying to invent something like bugger, raincatching aquaglobes so i wont have to hike to the site and climb trees every day it dosnt rain for a few

hope hearing my plan gave you some ideas