Starting outdoors.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Do you guys start your autos outdoors in their final pots? Or start inside in a 16oz cup then transplant into final cups after they have grown for roughly 2 weeks, like I would with my normal plants.

Its just I have a better survival rate with starting indoors, but it says to not transplant autos, and I do not have the room to start them in 3 gallon pots indoors.


final pots from all ive reach and researched, im going to be doing autos for the rest of my life. i personally dont like how all my regs have grown so autos seem the way to go for me. i personally am putting 10 out this summer, in 7 gallon pots. they dont need bigger. dont transplant autos it hurts them to much. or get a 20 gallon, put like 5 in it so they share about 4 gallons each and they will grow to max potential.