Starting new grow!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Im starting a few seeds and was thinking of putting the entire grow here for interested growers to follow and give me advice. I have grown a few grow's nothing ever came out top notch until my last grow I did Lemon Skunk from Green House and Mkage from TH Seeds. This time I am trying WW from Dinafem and Bubba Kush, Vanilla Kush and Blue Cheese all from Barney's Farm. I am a very small time grower and I will take all the (experienced) advice I can get. Sorry if the word (experienced) has offended anyone but I have seen some very stupid advice that even I know isnt true on here, LOL. Now my set up is vegging in a 2*4*5 tent with 12-26w 5000k and 4-55w 2700k. My medium is a 2 part FFOF and 1 part FFHF with a 1/4 cp of dolamite lime. I will flower in a 3*6*8 tent with 1-2*4-8 bulb T5HO with half and half, and a small 1*2-4 bulb T5HO mix (thats all I can fit without adding some cfl's on the floor). I plan on using just the FF trio just before I start to flower but that is still atleast 5 weeks away. This is what I've got so far. They are 7 days old now. Thanks for input or advice.:peace:BK,VK,WW,BC 003.jpg


Active Member
Is this even the right forum to start a grow thread? I've seen them in other forums. I just assumed because I was growing with all flo then this would be the place.:dunce:


Active Member
Best of luck on the new grow.. It's helpful that you already have some experience behind you. I'm a first time grower myself, just started this March 2012...

What kinda lights did you use on your previous grows? I'm using all cfl's for my first grow..


Active Member
Best of luck on the new grow.. It's helpful that you already have some experience behind you. I'm a first time grower myself, just started this March 2012...

What kinda lights did you use on your previous grows? I'm using all cfl's for my first grow..
I have never used anything but CFL's and T5. I'm a small time grower and I have always been completely satisfied with my yeilds. My biggest upset with previous grows was the taste it always tasted exactly the same until I started using FFOF and that made a HUGE difference in getting the actual flavor of a particular strain. I will live by FFOF and FFHF.


Active Member
Wow these girls have almost double in size in just a day in a half. Im liking what Im seeing so far. Only day 9 LOL. I am way to excited about this grow too soon. Ive been wiating to grow some BK.BK,VK,WW,BC day 9.jpg


Active Member
Hey man you're supposed to be excited. That's part of the fun of this hobby! I'll be watching, as I am entering into my 2nd grow now, my first one was a total failure. And I'm using some similar supplies in my grow. Good luck.
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Active Member
Here is an update on the girls at 14 days, as far as I can tell everything looks good. I transplanted straight into 3 gallon pots (some say it bad to do some say its ok) a few days ago.BK,VK,WW,BC day 14 001.jpgBubba KushBK,VK,WW,BC day 14 002.jpgVanilla KushBK,VK,WW,BC day 14 003.jpgBlue CheeseBK,VK,WW,BC day 14 004.jpgWhite WidowBK,VK,WW,BC day 14 005.jpg


Active Member
Nice selection of strains would like to see how the strain from greenhouse seeds turn out since they have realy reasonable prices . Setup is also crazy that much 26 watters should do a very nice job read they have one of the best lumen per watt rate and can be postioned so close . Goodluck with the grow subbed .


Active Member
Here they are at day 24. Looking fairly good other than I think I need to move my lights a little further away so they can strech out a bit. As you can see my Blue Cheese is starting to get some yellowing on the bottom. There is also 3 clones I cut from a bagseed plant and I just thought I would try my hand at cloning so I cut them off put a little clonex on and straight to soil, I cant believe all 3 took off so well on my first try:-P:-P:-P:-P:shock::shock::shock::shock:.BK,VK,BC,WW day 24 001.jpg
BK,VK,BC,WW day 24 002.jpg


Active Member
Nice selection of strains would like to see how the strain from greenhouse seeds turn out since they have realy reasonable prices . Setup is also crazy that much 26 watters should do a very nice job read they have one of the best lumen per watt rate and can be postioned so close . Goodluck with the grow subbed .
Hey man you will get a million different opinions but my opinion is, absolutely anything that Greenhouse developes is pretty damn good. As far as the lights go I will never use anything other than CFL's for vegg. I just added a few more since I added some clones to the tent. Thanks man.


Active Member
Same here there program is also awesome shows how they source their genetic that strainhunters show . Try the only real acid test is too just grow them . For those clones did you put them in a humidifier dome or not or just take the cuttings put some clonex on them and put them strait into soil under the lights . Think you can get you`re lights closer to your plants as they look a little droopy but dunno if thats just your fan blowing on them . Nice work on the clones been growing for years and I`ve still never done the process cheers mate .


Active Member
Two of my girls are having a bit of trouble and I'm no Botanist, so I could use some help please. Ive been waiting for this grow for a while now and I dont want to lose anything. Take a look at these sick kids.View attachment 2269436Someone said it was a mag diff and to add some Epsom to a gall of water but Im not sure how much salt to water ratio. Any help is very much appreciated.View attachment 2269437


Active Member
Add a 1/4 of a teaspoon per every gallon of water or 3.78541 litres . Tell me did you use anything around you`re close like a humidifier or like a clear bowl or anything or did you just take the clones and put them in the soil under the lights ? . :)
Def looks like mag deficiency could also be some kind of acidic burn from that potting soil as it contains a little bark but i doubt it . Just try find the best potting in most cases garden soil owns those potting soils ,the plants leaves should not look so detailed and leathery .


Active Member
Yes I used a clone dome for the clones for about 3 days and then to the tent. And as far as the soil goea I think your right. When I first started growing I use very cheap Mirical Grow potting soil, I never checked ph in water or soil and no nutrients. Now I started using the expensive FFOF, always checking PH and going strickly by the book and doing everything that you should do and sibce I started doing this I havent had a single plant turn out AT ALL. I think I will be better off if I just go back to the old way with shitty soil and regular tap water and absolutly no nutes.