Starting My first CFL Grow (All Help Welcome)


Active Member
Yes, I would tie down the branches to spread 'em out before cutting ANY leaves during flowering.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know what's happening to my plant or if I need to do something. The leaves are turning Dark Green in between the veins. Some of them began to curl at the tips.


Well-Known Member
And another Question. I am starting week 5 today and want to know when I should start the Molasses and how much per litre? Or do I flush with water before Molasses?


Well-Known Member
hmm idk about mollassis man. whats it do? sugers? hmmm very nice plant. props big time. what kinda soil is she in? alot of cfls i see. i hope to grow 1 like that. do u cheack ph? keep the pics and great info comin in man. u r alot of help to me:)


Well-Known Member
Fuck thanks man. For soil I used some Pro Mix, with about 30 % vermiculite. And ya I guess if you put a little Molasses in your water it can make your nugz 30% bigger. I seen some on youtube that looked like 3 gram buds that were falling over. And no man I've never checked the Ph. Thanks again