Starting hydroponics


Well-Known Member
ok so i am trying my hand at hydroponics. Picked up a producer for about 1/4 of the price :). anyways, i have gotten the plants to germinate nad they all have preflower leaves. sorry no pics but a couple of questions. since they are not on the automatic feed yet, about how many times a day should i be watering them? (they are in rockwool) and what nut strength should they be on? currently i have been watering every other day (i know prolly real bad to do) and the strength is around 300 ppm. im following the directions on the back of the sensi nute bottle, but somehow i think im doing something wrong seeing how its been a week and they really havent grown at all. they look nice and green color, but not really growing.. little help?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. In order to answer your question, it would be helpful to know the age of the plants. If they are about two week old then the nute strenght you using, about 1/4 strength will be fine. Do not water rockwool until it is almost dry, usaully at least three days, some times a little longer. A moisture meter may help, I think most folks just get used to the weight and kinda 'feel' when it needs it by the weight of the cube.
The last part of what you say, leads me to believe if you stop overwatering you will like the results. VV


Well-Known Member
yes. my waterings are now like every 2 days. things look like they are taking right off now. Roots are looking like they are comming through the bottoms. I took a tds reading and it came out to 450 ppm for the nute strength. I guess i thought it would be easier to germinate under hydroponics, but i just needed a little help. Thanks again