Starting hydroponic nutrients??? whats works good??

So starting a hydroponic system, i have seen the set up's as well as diy's. Problem what Nutrients should i go with, ive seen 20-20-20 anyone have any recommendations for a first time hydro???

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
You talking about 20-20-20 soluble powder like a miracle grow or something?
The problem you'd have with that is lack of calcium. Powdered nutes usually don't have it. So you'd have to add calcium nitrate.

Your best bet would be to go to the grow shop and pick up a bottle of grow and a bottle of bloom. Dynagrow is quality and is super concentrated. Botanicares pure blend pro grow and pure blend pro bloom are also good.

Don't let the guys talk you into additives just yet.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Dyna Gro is good stuff, just like clown baby said don't start using a bunch of additives with it either. Also General Hydroponics 3 part is pretty cheap and easy. Follow their simple feeding chart, start with 50% strength and adjust according to the plants needs.


Well-Known Member
I like the canna-aqua 2-part range. Comes in handy bottles with a built-in meausurer and there is an on-line feeding schedule. It also has silica in it, wheras other companies seem to use it as another additive.
Avoid Cal-mag. Mag deficiencies can be sorted cheaply with epsom salts and tap-water generally contains enough calcium. Adding more causes lock-outs of other elements.
Whatever nutes you use, they have to be specifically for hydro unless you really know what you're doing (I do, and I still can't be bothered making my own but I'm only doing a micro grow)

pH is important but a bit of drift is no bad thing.
One final point with nutes. Always use less than they say then work your way up. Remember that when they write the instructions, it's in their interests to make you use as much as possible.
Finally, good luck. I have a degree in soil science but, having discovered hydro, I would never go back to soil indoors.


Active Member
General Hydroponics are great. Search for "lucas formula" on this forum, thats what i use, only 2x nutes (micro and bloom) needed for that.


New Member
also i have started using a one part solution called flairform greendream its 3-1-5 will this suffice, also i was wondering can i add ammino k to my solution ?????


New Member
Dyna Gro is good stuff, just like clown baby said don't start using a bunch of additives with it either. Also General Hydroponics 3 part is pretty cheap and easy. Follow their simple feeding chart, start with 50% strength and adjust according to the plants needs.
also i have started using a one part solution called flairform greendream its 3-1-5 will this suffice, also i was wondering can i add ammino k to my solution ?????


Well-Known Member
3-1-5 is basically the Hoagland solution. It was developed in the 30s to be a great all purpose hydroponic solution for most plants.

It should work great for vegging by itself.


New Member
Just hydroponic your babies before u start them. I use a deep water culture with a 6 gallon tote n pump . My girls are gorgeous n the smell she puts off when blazed is heavenly. But to each his own lol.. I also have a 600 watt hips kit with a pretty good ballast..