Starting Autos Outside

Hey im thinking about getting some autos this week to start outside. I have been reading on autos outdoors and I cant find out if you need to start them at the beginning of the grow season. they would most likely be sprouted in mid july and planted outside in late july early august. Would an auto still have enough time(1-2 months outside; 2-3 months total) to flower outside in Ontario Canada area. Is it even worth it to try because I'm going to be ordering in the next day or two.


Well-Known Member
Put them in pots so you can bring inside to finish..doubt you can finish those in Canada this late in the year.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree.. sorry Corso. It all depends on the strain. Now adays they have express autos which fully flower in 65-70 days. Say you order the seeds tomorrow and they took a week to arrive and you soaked them, popped em, it would be say 70 days from then. So say they popped 20th of july it would be ready give or take a couple days off september 20th. North america doesn't normally get frost until late october early november unless its an off year. SO you should be just fine. I've done it with autos before.. july 1st and have had plenty of time, I once recieved a diesel clone from a friend randomly the first week of july (photoperiod not auto) I still grew it and harvested in time. The quantity wasn't there in comparasion but damn that was some sticky icky. So In guess what im trying to say is, if your doing it in your back yard and you want to be super safe take corsos advice and grow em out and in the fall bring them in. But if you plan on using a guerilla method where lugging your plant home isn't safe or practicle then just do it anyways, I can guarentee you will be fine infact I just ordered a bunch of auto's which will be going out in the great outdoors and I have no worries. Keep in mind that I am assuming you do not live in the north.. figure out your past frost dates and plant accordingly. This year has been very hot for canada so I'm sure you will be okay. When the temps lower if anything they will bring out any hues of purple that may be hidden in the genetics. Just make sure you choose an express auto and sooner rather than later. For the past few years I,ve waited for a week before halloween to harvest and that is way longer than what you need.. But I'm in Ontario it could be different where you are


Well-Known Member
Ahh, even the seeds advertised at 60 days..are more like 72 ish and the autos I have grown are more like 75-80 days from when they pop through the top soil...this guy is in even earlier hard frosts up there then here..if the temps are getting below 50 the plant will live ..sure..but not really thrive..would be better off indoors when the lows are hitting high 30's and the sun is far away from your garden and getting weaker by the day....I am thinking this guy will get his autos to pop top soil by late july early august...get a good 5 weeks of outdoor sun for free and bring indoors for the next 5 weeks.


Well-Known Member
And I have clones rooting now that will go outdoors in 2 weeks...but I am in sw michigan not canada...big difference


Well-Known Member
I am in ontario and im not trying to argue im just speaking with my experiences. and I agree with sometimes it takes longer up to like 80 odd days but that depends on your preferences on harvest. When the breeders suggest harvest doesnt necessarily mean thats when you like it finished. For me I like harvesting when the breeders suggest because like You said its not quite finished. But with autos being mainly indicas when i harvest say the trichs 35% ambered I get a more racy sativa feeling in amongst my indica plant. If i were to leave it till it was 50-80% ambered then I usually am left with a heavier stone that i don't really favour. I would rather sacrifice the 5 extra grams I would get from waiting tand have a little less but stronger bud. I find autos are always a little less potent than there photo counter parts. And with thc hitting peak and then degrading switching over to cbd cbn when I wait with my autos I get nice stone but notably less intense then when I harvest earlier. So thats why I say if he starts relatively soon he will have time to harvest. Even so he knows he is late and would obviously have more success if he had started early but given the circumstances. It would be better in his interest to go and grow than to not and have to wait till next year..


Well-Known Member
But I completely agree Autos are better when planted in late may early june when the sun is out the longest and highest in the sky. He may not get tons but hey growing is fun and its an experience so buddy go in it knowing that it will not give you amazing results.. but hope for the best no one can say exactly how your plant will do you might be surprised.