Starting a warehouse, Need HELP

hahahahahahhahhhahhaha hed spend atleast 10,000$ on CHEAP soil and additives. not to mention getting that into that warehouse he'd need a damn bulldoser.... plus hed spend more on nutes.

why would he need time to tend to them? unless he gets atleast 10 henchmen trimming branches, hes not going to be able to do shit. were talking 5k+ plants i mean ive been in a grow room with 40 3footers lsting before flower. it took me and my 2 cousins 3 hours hows he going to tend to 5k+ alone? hed have to use a method that takes minimal effort to grow maximum plants. id say fuck trimming grow a bushy little indica that takes little to no trimming. and it couldnt be soil itd have to be hydro but it couldnt even be a continuous system theres WAY to manny plants hed have to have like 500 resevoirs that hed have to check constantly..... a grow this size cant be done alone indoor. its too much light too much medium too much time too much experience for someone that has to ask about his lighting and too much of my precious time wasted in this thread
I see this as doable alone. Get aeroflow 100s all setup. Lights all setup and sog away our clones. The lollipopping can be done over a week or two and takes but a second a plant. I might be high. But I cant think of anything cooler than one dude running around aeroflos layed out across a room 8 hours a day until harvest. Then, you can do it alone over a week or two or bring in your buddies. Trimming a lollipopped sog bud takes a minute. Dry room would be beautful. Envision a walk in dry room for all that bud.

Hey where did five thousand plants come from? Anyway, soil, screw that! It is not like the growth will over pass him or something. Hydro is way easier. RIU can answer all his why are my plants brown on the edges question! rahrahrahrahrahrahrahrah!!!

watch a grow video for instant knowledge,also pick the location in the warehouse,where it wil be least evident out of the way,stop telling people you went to amsterdam, dont buy all the setup gear at one placve at one time,and take your time,as i see it you already got money and asstes that wil make your friends jealous,so growing the good ganja certainly wil havem hating,keep it real and keep it quiet. loose lips sink ships!
take your time dont plant 5000 plants the most 50 if you can handle it,use clones so u dont have to sex ,there is plenty of setups that can be handled by one person,you gotta lotta work ahead of you,the effort is worth it.
Dude. Just do what I said. Build a grow room within the warehouse on a MUCH smaller scale. Maybe a 14 x 14 room. Drywall it, make it well vented, etc. I would use 600W HPS/MH lamps, probably 3 lights or 4 max. That wouldn't even come close to causing a problem on the hydro grid. Make the room stealth-like, maybe build an office room in front of it complete with walls, desk, supplies, pictures, etc. and then a rear door in the office with a deadlock bolt that leads into the grow room. Done. You can buy the lights and inline fans on Ebay, ProMix soil in 80L bags at Home Depot. Paint the walls flat -white. Grab some pots and nutes and ur ready.
I see this as doable alone. Get aeroflow 100s all setup. Lights all setup and sog away our clones. The lollipopping can be done over a week or two and takes but a second a plant. I might be high. But I cant think of anything cooler than one dude running around aeroflos layed out across a room 8 hours a day until harvest. Then, you can do it alone over a week or two or bring in your buddies. Trimming a lollipopped sog bud takes a minute. Dry room would be beautful. Envision a walk in dry room for all that bud.

Hey where did five thousand plants come from? Anyway, soil, screw that! It is not like the growth will over pass him or something. Hydro is way easier. RIU can answer all his why are my plants brown on the edges question! rahrahrahrahrahrahrahrah!!!

thatd be a loose estimate of ho many it would take to losely fill that grow room at a plant per 3 sqft...... thatd be a real op. but i doubt anyone scrolling through forums has that kind of ability. youd need to be a true criminal. im talking hired guns, bribed police men, and a really scary reputation.

ps. fuck prohibition lumping the everyday grower in with people like that. theres a difference between what people on this site do in the privacy of their own property and a criminal grow op.

You have any clue how much dirt that would entail??

Holy shit........

Actually I seen a grow where a FOAF lined his garage floor with a few tons of soil and grew 6 monster trees. Every other day he'd stand at the door and spray the hose in there for 10 mins. Those buggers had trunks not stems.:weed:
hahahahahahhahhhahhaha hed spend atleast 10,000$ on CHEAP soil and additives. not to mention getting that into that warehouse he'd need a damn bulldoser.... plus hed spend more on nutes.

why would he need time to tend to them? unless he gets atleast 10 henchmen trimming branches, hes not going to be able to do shit. were talking 5k+ plants i mean ive been in a grow room with 40 3footers lsting before flower. it took me and my 2 cousins 3 hours hows he going to tend to 5k+ alone? hed have to use a method that takes minimal effort to grow maximum plants. id say fuck trimming grow a bushy little indica that takes little to no trimming. and it couldnt be soil itd have to be hydro but it couldnt even be a continuous system theres WAY to manny plants hed have to have like 500 resevoirs that hed have to check constantly..... a grow this size cant be done alone indoor. its too much light too much medium too much time too much experience for someone that has to ask about his lighting and too much of my precious time wasted in this thread

We're talking TREES man, not piddly little stealth quickies, 1 big fuckoff monster per 3 sq m in a big pot, no technique no nothing just put it in the dirt, water it and turn the damn lights on. Dirt is free, add in some horse shit or other compost and you got top quality A-Grade soil.:weed:
We're talking TREES man, not piddly little stealth quickies, 1 big fuckoff monster per 3 sq m in a big pot, no technique no nothing just put it in the dirt, water it and turn the damn lights on. Dirt is free, add in some horse shit or other compost and you got top quality A-Grade soil.:weed:

okay so according to your number 1 per 3 sq m

15000 sqft warehouse (4500-5000 sq m aproximately im not about to do the conversion) so we got 1 every 3 sq m so now we got 1500 or 1667 plants in here 1000 if he gives them ample space. so you think hes going to be able to grow monsters using some dirt he dug up? hahaha your funny.

heres only a minor detail hows he going to get all this dirt? with a shovel. he'll need a BULLDOSER. renting one of those isnt cheap and its even more expensive because around here you need a special license to operate one so now he has to employ someone. then it costs him even more to shut him up about why hes dumping soil in an empty ware house.

and youd need a permit to excavate that amount of soil unless you want to break another law. and wouldnt that be suspicious.

heres the big issue. why is someone with assets and a warehouse going to skimp on his plants. using soil you find in the woods is for kids. let the amateurs skimp on theyre plants. if your going to risk going to jail for a long long time your not going to fuck around when it comes to quality its all or nothing because doing it half assed will still get you fucked. if you do and op like this you better be growing some bomb ass plants. youd get laughed at in your cell trying to grow plants in soil you found....

the only way i can think of to do this right is a big ass ebb and flow or a well designed drip system and that still wouldnt be a walk in the park
okay so according to your number 1 per 3 sq m

15000 sqft warehouse (4500-5000 sq m aproximately im not about to do the conversion) so we got 1 every 3 sq m so now we got 1500 or 1667 plants in here 1000 if he gives them ample space. so you think hes going to be able to grow monsters using some dirt he dug up? hahaha your funny.

heres only a minor detail hows he going to get all this dirt? with a shovel. he'll need a BULLDOSER. renting one of those isnt cheap and its even more expensive because around here you need a special license to operate one so now he has to employ someone. then it costs him even more to shut him up about why hes dumping soil in an empty ware house.

and youd need a permit to excavate that amount of soil unless you want to break another law. and wouldnt that be suspicious.

heres the big issue. why is someone with assets and a warehouse going to skimp on his plants. using soil you find in the woods is for kids. let the amateurs skimp on theyre plants. if your going to risk going to jail for a long long time your not going to fuck around when it comes to quality its all or nothing because doing it half assed will still get you fucked. if you do and op like this you better be growing some bomb ass plants. youd get laughed at in your cell trying to grow plants in soil you found....

the only way i can think of to do this right is a big ass ebb and flow or a well designed drip system and that still wouldnt be a walk in the park

Yeah. My bad.

Imagine trying to grow a plant in dirt.

okay so according to your number 1 per 3 sq m

15000 sqft warehouse (4500-5000 sq m aproximately im not about to do the conversion) so we got 1 every 3 sq m so now we got 1500 or 1667 plants in here 1000 if he gives them ample space. so you think hes going to be able to grow monsters using some dirt he dug up? hahaha your funny.

heres only a minor detail hows he going to get all this dirt? with a shovel. he'll need a BULLDOSER. renting one of those isnt cheap and its even more expensive because around here you need a special license to operate one so now he has to employ someone. then it costs him even more to shut him up about why hes dumping soil in an empty ware house.

and youd need a permit to excavate that amount of soil unless you want to break another law. and wouldnt that be suspicious.

heres the big issue. why is someone with assets and a warehouse going to skimp on his plants. using soil you find in the woods is for kids. let the amateurs skimp on theyre plants. if your going to risk going to jail for a long long time your not going to fuck around when it comes to quality its all or nothing because doing it half assed will still get you fucked. if you do and op like this you better be growing some bomb ass plants. youd get laughed at in your cell trying to grow plants in soil you found....

the only way i can think of to do this right is a big ass ebb and flow or a well designed drip system and that still wouldnt be a walk in the park

err and also my bad, I mean 3M2 not 3 square metres
Arnt 3sm and 3m2 the same thing? ^^^

The more this subject gets discussed the more complex it seems, imagine trimming all that weed?? It would take you a lifetime, you would need a team just to do that, or get a repettitive stress injury doing it yourself.

Interesting subject even though it clearly is bullshit.
Arnt 3sm and 3m2 the same thing? ^^^

The more this subject gets discussed the more complex it seems, imagine trimming all that weed?? It would take you a lifetime, you would need a team just to do that, or get a repettitive stress injury doing it yourself.

Interesting subject even though it clearly is bullshit.

Ok I mean an area 3m x 3m

a small room

about 30 sq ft

and a big fuck off Heath Robinson Jack Herer Monster in the middle
jack that warehouse isnt half the size of this guys.... im not saying it cant be done because it can. but i doubt a grow this size can be done by one person unless he has a TON of experience is willing to spend 12+ hours a day when he has too and then he'd need an army to distrubute that ammount were talking big numbers i mean he could pull over 1000 lbs if yeild is optimum
jack that warehouse isnt half the size of this guys.... im not saying it cant be done because it can. but i doubt a grow this size can be done by one person unless he has a TON of experience is willing to spend 12+ hours a day when he has too and then he'd need an army to distrubute that ammount were talking big numbers i mean he could pull over 1000 lbs if yeild is optimum
Trust me I know this guy is not gowing to be abel toi pull off a grow this size unless he had 4 to 6 full time guys working and he would need to have some one who is really good at cloning it would take a year of growing just to get set up and have enough mothers to pull off of..Hes not going to listen to any one...:wall: just thought I would show a ware house...:weed:
yeah i agree if i had a warehouse that size id be pretty set on growing. but your right its not going to happen. its just a dream.