Starting a new grow. A few questions...?


So, this is my first attempt at this. I have posted pics of my cabinet... I have a baby growing now. I planted in a rock wool cube 6 days ago. It popped its little head up and is about an inch tall. So, I moved it to the cabinet. I only have one light going right now. A 400 watt MH running at 50%. (My ph for the seed was 5.5 and no nutrients yet)

Should I be running at low light? If so, for how long? And at what point do I have to worry about the rock wool cube? Should I just let it grow thru the cube, or try cutting it off in a few weeks?

any insight would be great!


Well-Known Member
So I take it your growing in soil........I would just transplant it and leave it in the RW cube.
As far as the light let it go a few weeks where your at,then after 2-3 weeks bump it up.

Ive put clones under a 1k after getting roots and keeping it close to the plant,As long as
you can keep it cool and use a fan to blow across it should be fine.
The fan will help make the plant stronger,as well as move the hot air.GL

Welcome to RIU!


Uhhh... Well, no. I am not growing in soil. This is a a hydro system. My water level is about an inch up inside the the basket. I have clay pellets is the basket and I basically planted the crock wool cube in the clay pellets...


Well-Known Member
Thats fine,I like to top feed and leave 1"-2" from mesh pot to solution.
Roots will find the nutes.DWC?