Starting a bubbleponic system


When I start seeds do I just use plain water for awhile until they sprout? When you take clones do you mix nutes right away or use plain water. Not sure if I am gonna start from seed or wait for my soil ladies to get bigger for clones. Thanks for the help


New Member
you can do either pal, but if you do it from seed, then no you dont need to feed them till they a little older and then they will probley tell you when they are hungry showing signs of hunger.
If you doing it from cuttings, only start of a quarter strength nutes and then medium and so on, the better they get the more you give them.
Have a read threw this good info
:) good luck!


Well-Known Member
Demacross: you've asked a lot of good questions that Cervantes answers in his book, "MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE." He has a good section on seed propagation and excellent coverage of cloning. If you don't already own it, it's readily available at book stores like Barnes and Noble and you can find it on line. SeeMoreBuds also does a good job also in his book, "MARIJUANA BUDS FOR LESS."

Before you go any further you might also want to look at the June 2011 edition of "HIGH TIMES." They have a great article on propagation and germination starting on page 112. I hope that helps because you've asked some good questions but there aren't any short simple answers to what you've asked that are appropriate here. HSA