Started flowering at 34 inches (Indoor White widow)


New Member
I had to let my plant grow to 36 inches. I was waiting on clones to get tall enough to flower. Anyway, a picture is attached. I've researched and all anyone ever talks about is flowering to early. No one ever talks about benefits or set backs to letting it get bigger in veg than normal. Do you know?



Well-Known Member
You should have topped it. If you havent started flowering yet id still do that. Flowering longer can be good if you train it or know the stretch of your plant. Some plants double or even triple when they get flipped. Ive had foot and a half tall plants end up at 5 and some change because of how much they stretch and others i flowered at 2 feet and they stretched to barely 3 foot. If you train its worth the extra time, if not, then hopefully your genetics are on your side and you dont end up with a 5 or 6 foot beast.


New Member
So are you saying that the only difference is now my plant will be a beast that produces more?


Well-Known Member
It won't necessarily produce more but it can. It can also outgrow your grow room and make it difficult to light a tall ass beast and any shorter clones. Do you know the genetics of the seed??


Well-Known Member
All depends on your setup indoors as to how big to allow your plant to get before flowering. The beast can be good if you have other beasts with her, but if you have smaller ladies lighting can be difficult. When I run seedlings I like growing them without topping or training and between 30 and 36 inches is where I flip them, clones I run are run alone and usually top them or prune them to fit my needs and keep the girls about the same height. You ask 100 growers and you get 100 different answers, need to sort through them then try several different ways until you find what works best for you and your conditions. Don't follow the herd, follow what works for you it will make you happier and you will learn more in the process. Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Well hopefully your white widow will stay on the indica side. It looks like a pretty good mix. How much more room from the top of the plant to the room do you have??