Started early


Well-Known Member
About a week and a half ago I was just tossin out bag seeds, one decided to sprout and I put it in a little pot. I left it there for about a week and then earlier today I transferred it to my back yard where it will get sun and I put a large fence around it.

Will I have any problems besides a big plant if this one turns out to be a female?

gwerns nugs

Well-Known Member
About a week and a half ago I was just tossin out bag seeds, one decided to sprout and I put it in a little pot. I left it there for about a week and then earlier today I transferred it to my back yard where it will get sun and I put a large fence around it.

Will I have any problems besides a big plant if this one turns out to be a female?

....welll....i hope ur goin for the "spring harvest" you shouldnt plant anything for summer harvest...AT THE EARLIEST...April...look at the photoperiod for where you live....when the hours are more than 14 you are good to plant for the veg part of outdoor...then the times switch to 13hrs and eventually 12 which induces flowering....if u have an iPhone theres an app that tells you when the sun sets/rises....i find it pretty handy


Well-Known Member
So basically since it is only like a week and a half old, it will be pretty much fucked light cycle wise and will probably flower early?


Active Member
So basically since it is only like a week and a half old, it will be pretty much fucked light cycle wise and will probably flower early?
pretty much, perhaps retransfer to a good sized pot, and give it veg lighting until said time, then throw it outside to continue on..only another month+