started 12/12 and I have concers please help


I have veg'd these two super skunk ladies for about 8 weeks in a DWC closet grow. I started 12/12 7 days ago because the tops of the plants were getting close to the max height of my room with a 250w hps. they have grown a more than I had expected in the last seven days and as you can see the tops of one of the plants is getting close to the light and I cant really raise the light without some serious work. So i was wondering if anyone as any idea how much more vertical growth i can expect and what i can do about my height issue. thanks.



New Member
By the looks of your photos they are going to fill in the area and some , one week into transition is about half of the stretch initially but there will be more as the flowers stretch and fill in ..

I would seriously think about canopy management and training them , supercrop so to say .. Its not easy to do initially but once you master the snap or crush of them stems depending on method youll soon see that they are much more manageable than before ...

Have fun , looks like your doing very well .. In the end your going to be close to the bulb so I advise using a fan to prevent light burn as well


Well-Known Member
I agree with chiggachamp, the only thing you can do now is bend and tie them down, hopefully you won't break any branches.


any good articles or suggestions on the best way to tie them doing, this is my first grow and since Ive done a lot of work i dont want to screw it up. thanks.


Well-Known Member
any good articles or suggestions on the best way to tie them doing, this is my first grow and since Ive done a lot of work i dont want to screw it up. thanks.
Not sure if there is, maybe someone else can answer that but it's not that difficult just pull them down and try not to break them, no big deal.


I started to tie some of the bigger stalks down no problem but started to break some of the smaller ones that took their place the next day. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about gently pulling all the branches down and putting some chicken wire up like 10'" to 12" from the bottom of the reflector? Pros? cons?