Start up costs

I don't use any oils or things like that. The only thing I spray on my plants is silica and now again some baking soda.
I'm just saying for others it's good if they want to use it.
I still haven't sprayed anything basic this year... I was going to... I'm hoping that the Dutch-approved combo of kelp and humic acid at a 5:2 (5 humic, 2 kelp) ratio and the L-amino acids sprayed earlier and watered in now will prevent the dreaded powdery mildew... So far so good.
Yep! Believes it’s used to fend off fungus gnats but shouldn’t have an adverse effect on the bennies
See and that is just my one knows FOR sure. I wish there was a study on it but there isnt. Some amazing growers say not to use it...others swear by it. So because of the lack of research....I wont.
You can layer sand on top of the soil to help ward off fungus gnats and that D.E. works just have to keep reapplying it because if it gets wet it doesn't work as well.
Hey guys, two questions... do you know any European growers on here? Kis doesn’t ship internationally, I’ll be asking build a soil if they ship internationally but also to keep costs down I want to source as much as possibles locally.

Which leads to my second question for Spanish growers, where to source?

I’ve been doing some research I found a Spanish company
They’ve got some good stuff, horse and sheep manures..
They have grow shops in Spain that carry bat guano and worm castings as well..
And i took a look on Amazon Spain they sell Neptune’s harvest kelp meal as well as miracle-gro fish,blood&bone meal all in one. Need to source soft rock phosphate, green sand, and thanks spin doctor, it’s the same as crustacean meal yes? Doesn’t have to be fossilized?
Hey guys, two questions... do you know any European growers on here? Kis doesn’t ship internationally, I’ll be asking build a soil if they ship internationally but also to keep costs down I want to source as much as possibles locally.

Which leads to my second question for Spanish growers, where to source?

I’ve been doing some research I found a Spanish company
They’ve got some good stuff, horse and sheep manures..
They have grow shops in Spain that carry bat guano and worm castings as well..
And i took a look on Amazon Spain they sell Neptune’s harvest kelp meal as well as miracle-gro fish,blood&bone meal all in one. Need to source soft rock phosphate, green sand, and thanks spin doctor, it’s the same as crustacean meal yes? Doesn’t have to be fossilized?
It is different from crustacean meal. You want diatomaceous earth for gnats and ants. Definitely different. Crustacean meal can help prevent pests by activating the plant immune system though...
I sent a message off to build-a-soil for a quote, waiting on their response. Gonna go as aorganic as possible and focus on building up soil- not growing plants. So this will mostly involve (what I see in my head atm) buying soil amendments and preparing the native soil already at the site that I find right, that, a layer of mulch/ living mulch (cover crop) some recharge and mammoth P, and try to start a vermicompost and bokashi bin for some worm poop and compost and I think that’s it... need to do somethin about water too, maybe a pump, hose, and car battery linked to a nearby stream? As far as how many... tryna go heavy weight. Like a mini forest lol, social clubs in Spain are permitted to supply up to a hundred kilos a year to their members I believe So I want to make this a career. Canada just legalized, US is on the brink, Spain has been one of the most liberal European countries in recent years, Germany and Switzerland are opening up, in my mid twenties and my job gets me around places to see the world which is great but it’s light on the pocket- time to hunker down and get in the gold rush and yea I had a small indoor setup that I sunk like 1500$ into and some autos on the balcony
I assume you will live on your grow op? You will need housing, fencing, spaces for drying and packaging. And if you are not Spanish, a work visa would be in order.

Spain is full of cow farms. Find a local farmer to buy your manure compost from. But the dirt you need to worry about before any other is the dirt you will be leasing or buying. Your soil mix should be way down the to do list.

Good luck.
Hey guys, two questions... do you know any European growers on here? Kis doesn’t ship internationally, I’ll be asking build a soil if they ship internationally but also to keep costs down I want to source as much as possibles locally. . . . . . . . .
There are UK and Irish grow threads.
Yea first year out I don’t think I’ll be buying any, was gonna shoot for a guérilla patch out in a forest, but shoot that’s a dope link, if they have same priced housing out in Valencia or catalunya this could be a very worthy goal to strive for. I will be working in Australia at least until next August. Maybe have enough saved up for a down payment.
I assume you will live on your grow op? You will need housing, fencing, spaces for drying and packaging. And if you are not Spanish, a work visa would be in order.

Spain is full of cow farms. Find a local farmer to buy your manure compost from. But the dirt you need to worry about before any other is the dirt you will be leasing or buying. Your soil mix should be way down the to do list.

Good luck.
First season will be hit or miss as of the moment, I’ll have to save up for the entire year. This can be done though! For a 100k home down payment 10-20% 10-20k saved up yea? And do you have a link for the uk/ Irish grow threads please? Thank you, also I have A French passport so no problem there for the work visa
THe other possibility is working with this COffee shop owner in Marbella, says he has a lot of basement space that can be converted. But of course this is high risk since we don’t know each other... at all:wall: when I go back out to Europe could stop by and get a feel of that situation in person see if it’s good or nah