Start to finish with 760w: 400w HPS + 360w LED


:leaf: So, here is the Photo/Video summary of my grow (start to finish). I don't have total weight yet, but I will in about a week. I promise to post weight, I don't want to be "another unfinished LED grow journal" as I've often seen them referred to. :leaf:

All the photo dates are accurate, they started 12/12 on Feb. 1st, everything was done and ready for harvest very quickly (52 days!). Two of the plants were actually pulled on day 49, they were very fast finishers.
I included 2 pictures from when they first got transplanted; however, the camera date wasn't set, They vegged for 2-3 weeks before flowering.
Also, videos for weeks 4,5 and 6 will be posted in the first reply below.

EDIT: Final Image of yield added. Final weight, 420g!!.bongsmilie Not bad for 52 days! My next harvest is looking to be half Chemdog, half Bubba Kush. I'll make a new journal soon.



I added a picture of the yield. Any guesses on how much it is? There are two mason jars filled with 40-45g each from what has dried from the 2 plants I took down first.


Final weight is in! Officially there is just over 420g of dried bud, almost 15 oz on the dot. I was hoping for a pound, but if I had to pick a second weight, 420 is a nice one to get :) haha :leaf:

Pic's coming tomorrow, my camera battery is dead, I have to go buy AA's.