start of 3rd week / flowering

any idea's what would cause this leave to start flipping over? the lights are 26w cool white 1600 lumens cfl x 8 for 2 plants. the ferts are classic jacks blossom booster 10-30-20 and i give 1/4 teaspoon to 1 gallon once a week with a teaspoon of unsulphured molasses. the nitro is on the high side. the temp is 78-80 degrees (day) and 70-72 (night) there 3 feet tall and i'm running out of room ( got them in a fridge as a grow room) that will never happen again EVER same with cfl's. to many fuckin cords and i burnt sum leaves (fuck). anyways the lights are 2-3'' away from the top of the plants. thanks for any help


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
The turned fan leaf looks like it's going for the light reflected by the white plastic, I do believe that's normal. The top looks fine too.

I get twisted sugar leaves all the time, does this bud look sick?

dude, i'd help you but i'm new to this shit myself ,hopefully sum1 cud answer that for you , but 2 me it looks fine , all these views and got 1 fucn answer. lmfao,


Well-Known Member
Looks Good to me...nothing out of the ordinary, but you said yourself the nitrogen was high, and you see those leaf tips starting to curl under on a few watch out.


Well-Known Member
back off the N, fer sure. make sure they dry out between waterings. i find a shot of Mg at this point of flower to be useful.