Start flowering?


Active Member
My plant has show todya her first very disctintive white hairs, shes outdoor almost 3 months, is this the beginning if the flower stage?? thanx a lot people!


Well-Known Member
Now let me see,if you just noticed hairs then count two months from now.Your harvest date should be the 20th of August.


Well-Known Member
it will keep vegitating when there is alot of light and grow a pair of hairs on each branch but i dont consider that flowering??? flowering is when the light is 12/12 and the plant stopped growing but produces buds


Well-Known Member
As moswissa said, it could just be pre-flowers. Are the white hairs growing from the tips of the branches (buds starting to grow), or where the branches meet the stem (pre-flowers)?


Well-Known Member
yea it doesn't stop growing completely after flower i hear it can double in size. correct me if i'm wrong


Well-Known Member
i thought hairs just meant it was a female , i had some white hairs on one of mine before but bugs or something ate them


Active Member
Exactly theres my doubt, I think this is preflowering stage but do I count the 2 months from here?? About the size thing, Ive never grown outdoors and Im afraid this double size issue might affect, will the growth be vertical? Cause keeping a low profile with a 7 footer will be hard indeed