StarRyder harvest pics (500w cfl)


Well-Known Member
Ya it's a Dutch passion auto it was 247g wet so I figure around 100 when dry thx for the nice comments this was my first grow so I am super pumped & addicted to growing


Well-Known Member
I grew 3 plants 2 starryders & a bluematic I'm very new at this so I don't know how to tell meter/squared I ended up with 4.53oz from StarRyder & 32g from bluematic my grow box is two 100 gallon Rubbermaid containers stacked ontop one another 2.5 feet long 20 inches deep 3 feet tall if u kno the formula to figure this out please post it. This is my grow box with the top offimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, very nice plants. Crazy harvest IMO. Im At my second "ghetto grow" (heh) and still far from this yield.