Standing leaves


Well-Known Member
Got a quick question... Usually when my girls' leaves are pointing in an upward direction. It means they're happy..
This 1 the leaves are literally pointing straight up. These are just a cpl plants i had off to the side while flower room finished, decided just fo the hell of it to flower them off, so needless to say they haven't been treated the best.



Well-Known Member
They loving the light,good environment....some,SOME of my tops do it too.....praying to the light:)....SOOOO, WHAT WAS YOUR QUESTION!?????


Well-Known Member
Mine sometimes choose to do that as well, can't predict when, but I never see any adverse effects from it, so I have to assume it's an indication they're happy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments people. Those girls can do some funny stuff. Just checked them, and the leaves are back to normal position. Nothing is different as far as the conditions in tent,