
and the parvo is killen em? ive had dogs survive it the bully breeds are the only breeds of dogs that can on occasion deal wioth it all on their own no vet attention, im not sayin dont go to the vet do but ive had many pups get parvo hell duke had it for a week as a pup like to lost him, spray your backyard with a bleach sloution man
looks like re, gotti, or a gaff dogg.. nice lookin.
i just lost one of my dogs two weeks or so ago.. third loss this year..
two pups to parvo, one to a car.

the first pic is of Lil' tank, After his father
the second one is Kilo(brindle) and Baby G after his father
the last is blue.. hard to get a shot of him..might take pics of my girl while i walk in a sec.
sorry to hear, iv heard of parvo but dont know what it is.ill look it up.
kilo is winner in my books but all 3 are cute as hell.I love the personality they have.(dogsonality?)
Thanks for all the kind words. Smoke was a real good dog he never met a person he didn't like and he was very tolerent of all other animals he was a great example of the breed. His blood lines were re and gotti the new pups are the same blood but they are a blue brindle color and 13 weeks old. To everybody that lost a dog I'm sorry for your loss and time heals all and it will get easier to remember the good times. Parvo wil live in the deirt for a few years so even if you don't get another dog it's a good thing to spray the yard with clorox.


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nice looking really not into the look of RE, gotti or mugleston dogs, they are just so big as adults, but i have seen they can be great pets and thats what its bout.. plus i love the color of the pups

@ pitbudz my vet says parvos is almost un survivble.. she said i had a 20 percent chance at home treating them... i've moved since then so i wont be disinfecting

i am looking for a pup..
nice looking really not into the look of RE, gotti or mugleston dogs, they are just so big as adults, but i have seen they can be great pets and thats what its bout.. plus i love the color of the pups

@ pitbudz my vet says parvos is almost un survivble.. she said i had a 20 percent chance at home treating them... i've moved since then so i wont be disinfecting

i am looking for a pup..
Yeah most bullies do get bigger. I grew up with gamebred pits we hog hunted but I'm not into that and the bullies are alot easier to manage but you still get most of the traits that apbt are known for just in a bigger dog. If you are looking for a bully pup I can put you in touch with the breeder I got mine from they have pups right now they are in the southeast
your right. i wonder how i 'd go about doing that. i think i might even look into that. it'd be cool to say i made a word. hope noone steals your idea from me?
your right. i wonder how i 'd go about doing that. i think i might even look into that. it'd be cool to say i made a word. hope noone steals your idea from me?
contact websters, a friend of mine years ago made a couple words, the only one i can remember was splush-line(when you do the dishes and get a line of water on your shirt)you need like 60 people or something to sign thinking its a reasonable word, and you need to go through a bunch of dictionaries to make sure there isnt already a deffonition(the internet makes this all alot easier now compared to 10 years ago)
if you go through with it send me a sheet of the petition to print off and ill get it signed up,my job sucks so i could have fun hussling words to the custiomers.
here is some pics of my dogs duke is the white an tan male sable is the middle one and spur. duke is 4 sable is a little over one and spur is 2 sable and spur just had a litter of pups last week and there is a pic of my other female aziliee. well i couldent find the pics of azilee she is a colby

I love the faces.... Spur has the best head in my opinion... breed him in.

I love the faces.... Spur has the best head in my opinion... breed him in.

thanks man as a matter of fact he is already i have a litter on the ground out of sable and spur i already have the only female sold and i will breed duke back to her when she is of age and duke next time to sable.
thanks man as a matter of fact he is already i have a litter on the ground out of sable and spur i already have the only female sold and i will breed duke back to her when she is of age and duke next time to sable.
Sweet man... Good luck with them.

my red nose pit


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here's a pic of my buddy hes an amstaff and about 90lbs, he is nice to me and my family but if he dont know you he will eat you


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I have a yellow lab but my next dog will be a "Dogo Argentino" Unbelievable breed.

well idk what a shadford is or w/e but i have a pit bull mixed with american bulldog. I named him frosty cause hes white like frosty buds. I plan to soon adopt some type of mastiff too.
heres the star
2 months old

and a little older
