Stable Genetics?


Active Member
Let me start it much love to ALL breeders.

Now, for a question?

What ever happen to proving out strains and stablizing them?

It seems the game is new strains, but most of them seem to be one off wonder grows. If these strains are all good, then shouldn't some time be spent finding the best phenotype and line. As everyone knows if you plant 10 females the odds are some will be better then others. Still the same strain, just a better line.

Imagine if some of these strains were truly fine tuned.

Has this fallen onto the individual growers and not the breeders? I for one would love to feel warm and fuzzy that each seed is the bomb.

You hear alot of "The mother was dank and the father was a stud so these SHOULD be...." Or, "out of the 10 beans you should find one that WILL be the....".

Sometimes I just get the feeling that "pollen chucking" and "breeding" have become one and the same. I would love to see the amount of strains decrease alittle and stability of the strains increase. It used to take years for a great strain to come out, now it seems it takes as long as it takes for the first seeds to dry.

Once again I tip my hat to the real breaders that bring us new strains to play with, just expressing my concerns.
If you want stable strains just pay the few extra $$ and get anything from serious seeds. SS is a breeder that only produces 5 strains and nothing else. All their time is dedicated to just those strains. AK47, White Russian, Bubblegum, Chronic, Kali Mist. Close your eyes and take a pick. You will not be dissappointed AT ALL!
Serious is really no joke all stable strains all fun to smoke all decent yields and all very potent, Indeed boneman close your eyes and take a pick.
my personal opinion is that new strains sell, the breeders are just providing what the market demands
the oldtime breeders like sam the skunkman,shantbai,dj,simon etc,the guy at serious,they paved the road for the modern pollen chuckers.any one can do what todays"breeders"do.any one can take the so called dank female with the brute male and get a keeper.Your right,they say buy ten you should get a keeper,i think dj still stableizes and works his strains,ive grown white Russian and they looked like clones all top notch weed.but if your dj and shanta(cant spell his name)how do you compete with someone who takes one known strain crosses it with another known strain and gets a $100 for ten seeds,how do you compete,it is going to lead to a bottleneck in genetics,i can see things getting really screwed up in the cannabis world real needs some breeders to come in and bring some new genes into the equation and work out the fems which is becoming standard in the seed business.And it has to be someone who doesn't love the spotlight or the fame or money,just guys that love keeping things right.But with the money floating around by just taking c99 pollen and putting it on train wreck or og or urkle or white widow,it is hard for the old time breeders to will take some special dudes to get it all on track when all the inbreeding of the so called super strains is messed up.
And why are their so many fricken hermies,if you seen the grow rooms of the 70,s compared to today you would think it was a hermy waiting to happen back then yet hermies are way more prevalent today then yesteryear,but i could be wrong.
It wont let me add rep but its all good Ill catch you next time for sure.
thanks your words are enough.i just wish people saw what is happening to this prized plant,its being bastardized.i remember fdd put up a quote from clarke about the upcoming problems,i cant remember it but the just of it is that we are screwing up a good plant for money.
i saw rooms in the 70,s with house lights,tinfoil and never mind light leaks their were light beams coming in,temps were all over the map,and peaking in was done for longer then a look see,and yet they never hermied as bad as today.
Ive noticed that for the past 10 years, its no more about the love of the plant only about the money. Ya no shit you get all this unstable bullshit that people call stable its a joke I dont know if I posted here yet but I had 5 Ultra Haze 2 plants from GHS and every one of them grew completely 100% differently I think thats bunk regardless of the smoke that shows right there theres no history.
i have a clone of one of the supposed holy grails of weed,and it hermies evey time,yet that plant is a mother of a lot of strains out their.
look at the money to be made,heck you dont really need an advertise campaighn,just join sites like this.but your getting 100 dollars for 10 seeds,what was the most seeds you pulled from a plant.and then times it by a 100 for every ten.
Ya its a Holy pain in your ass lol. Ha thats funny you say I was just telling my buddy about that yesterday. A few hundred seeds per plant just say 1000 dollars for every 100 seeds not bad, and really they get like a 1000 seeds probably
Ya its a Holy pain in your ass lol. Ha thats funny you say I was just telling my buddy about that yesterday. A few hundred seeds per plant just say 1000 dollars for every 100 seeds not bad, and really they get like a 1000 seeds probably
i pollenate one bud only at a time and get 60 seeds from a lower bud.not even close to the bigger buds on the plant.
I think a lot of the classic DNA lines can be lost in this mess.

I'm just on my third grow and have set aside any plans of crossing anything. I would prefer to be able to keep and grow a few select and stable strains. I have a few choices in hand for next year, but they may be unstable crud. I am reading more on breeding so I can at least not screw up what I have.
If you want stable strains just pay the few extra $$ and get anything from serious seeds. SS is a breeder that only produces 5 strains and nothing else. All their time is dedicated to just those strains. AK47, White Russian, Bubblegum, Chronic, Kali Mist. Close your eyes and take a pick. You will not be dissappointed AT ALL!

Once again.....Stable strains is what its all about. I've had ZERO hermies with SS strains.....ZERO! and pheno types are just genitics. Hopefully the difference is minimal but even identical twins differ a bit.

Simon is the breeder of Serious Seeds. I think I saw his name mentioned in one of the previous posts.

Hermies I believe are due to lack of proper breeding and developing stable strains. Of course we help the process with our mistakes but going back to the 70's with foil and light leaks etc... makes you wonder.

Seeds are a MONEY MAKER and there is a suka born everyday.
Hopefully, the idiviual growes will find that strain they love and work on it. Nuture it and maybe when it is all said and done it will not be so bad. I am sure that alot of the strains around today will not last long.