SST (sprouted seed tea) do's and donts?

I use "fresh" young coconuts and they work amazingly at delivering cytokinins. I have the strongest lateral branching I've ever had.
You can buy boxes of fresh coconuts at Asian markets for cheap. Just drill a hole, strain and drain.

I think that logical gardener link was referring to store bought coconut water, which is typically processed.
Can you use older coconuts?

Older coconuts will have more 'meat' on the inside inherently yielding less 'water'. The 'water' [endosperm] will condense into the 'meat' as it matures. Money is better spent on young coconuts, although they are pretty cheap at Asain markets (about $1.32 each where I live). Young coconuts should yield approx. 10-16 oz of water.
Ok friends I have a quick question about the SSTs. I know that I discard the water after the first soak, it's full of growth inhibitors. Do I save the water after the second soak and then use that water when I blend the sprouted seeds? Or am I just blending up the sprouted seeds with fresh water and then making the tea. Thanks for all your help!
Ok friends I have a quick question about the SSTs. I know that I discard the water after the first soak, it's full of growth inhibitors. Do I save the water after the second soak and then use that water when I blend the sprouted seeds? Or am I just blending up the sprouted seeds with fresh water and then making the tea. Thanks for all your help!
Either way works
has anyone ever tried making an SST from cannabis seeds? Let's say you had about a gallon sized pot of shit weed seeds, would there be any benefit to using those in an SST?
Yes same measurements. . I just use corn seed. I grab organic popcorn seed from sprouts market.

Just about any seed or legume works.. I've also used barley seed, mung beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, alfalfa seeds. I like the results of the corn seed the most.
Can you use all these at once in your brew or do you have to feed separate?

If I don't fly imma die anyway
Nothing you paste changes the fact that a coconut is not a fertilizer. And that sst is not used for K and hormones. Also coconuts are not used to make sst. You were mistaken in your initial claim and now youre making things worse.
Coconut is a seed. Its milk contains cytokinins just like popcorn sprout tea. If we are splitting hairs it is not a sprouted tea but it does contain a simalar profile as the sst s
In case this thread sees life again i want to respond to the guy that asked why people bother to bubble the teas and not simplify the extraction of the catalysts. I can't find that post to respond directly so the answer is because that's what the recipie state and they do so so as to create microbiological life. And to extract more enzymes. It is not necessary to brew for over an hour or two if you are just extracting its to be thorough and and microbs
I would soak them like everyone else, and dump it. I didn't realize you're supposed to aerate them until they get like a quarter inch tail, and just use the water. I thought you're supposed to grind them up, and strain.. Shit
I would soak them like everyone else, and dump it. I didn't realize you're supposed to aerate them until they get like a quarter inch tail, and just use the water. I thought you're supposed to grind them up, and strain.. Shit
for my popcorn tea i blend/chop my sprouted seeds with a little water strain repeat till the water no longer comes out milky. i think i get a good extract this way. ...
do you mean to bubble the whole sprouts? i never realized that either.
I've had successful grows, but just curious how you do things? What ALL do you give your plants?

Try cocoa nut water from market, not the cocoa nut juice with acid or additives. Aerate with 1cup of cocoa water to 5gal. I then add my kelp, molasses, barley to aerate for 48 hours. Good foam action your ladies will dance too.

If I don't fly imma die anyway
I've had successful grows, but just curious how you do things? What ALL do you give your plants?
Barley, mug beans, coconut water,alfalfa sprouts, and sometimes corn sprouts. Are my main sprouts. Weekly she gets her alfalfa , kelp and worm casting tea sometimes top dressings with the leavings. But now that she's flowering: Banana and molasses for about 3 weeks to get that potassium boosts she loves.

If I don't fly imma die anyway
How much alfalfa SST is recommended per gallon? Mendo dope boys mentioned on round table that it is a lot stronger than popcorn tea. Wondering how high of cytokinin levels alfalfa has relative to popcorn tea. It should have the same apical dominance suppression effect--possibly/likely to a greater degree... So all buds act like the main/terminal bud...

Anyone ever used alfalfa SST. I think MendoDope boys said to use it at about 1/4 the rate of popcorn because it is so strong. They also said something about not brewing it in a tea for more than a day... supposedly become toxic to plants if left longer--they said something of that nature during the growtube...


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